14 päivän ohjelmallinen revontulipakettimatka – rengastie, Snæfellsnes ja Reykjavik

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Myydään todennäköisesti pian loppuun
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Keflavíkin lentokenttä
Keflavíkin lentokenttä
14 päivää ja 13 yötä
Elo. - Maalis.
12 vuotta
13 yötä sisältyy


Varaamalla tämän 14 päivän ja 13 yön talvilomapaketin pääset tutustumaan asiantuntevan paikallisen oppaan johdolla kaikkiin parhaisiin nähtävyyksiin Islannin rengastien varrella ja Snæfellsnesin niemimaalla. Tämä kiertomatka on sinua varten, jos haluat kokea talvisen Islannin perinpohjaisesti ja nauttia kahden viikon ajan tulen ja jään maan kauniista luonnosta ja kulttuurista.

Matkustaminen Islannin talviolosuhteissa on toki haastavampaa, kuin muina vuodenaikoina: valoisan aikaa on vähän ja tiet ovat lumisia ja jäisiä. Tämä vuodenaika tarjoaa kuitenkin ainutlaatuisen tilaisuuden kokea Islannin nähtävyydet kauniin lumihuntuisina, ja aivan erityisesti talvimatkailijoille tarjoutuu mahdollisuus nähdä revontulia Islannin jylhien maisemien ympäröimänä.

Varaamalla tämän lomapaketin säästyt matkajärjestelyjen tekemiseltä. Matka-asiantuntijoidemme tiimi pitää huolen kaikista majoitusvarauksista, lentokenttäkuljetuksista, yksityiskohtaisesta matkasuunnitelmasta ja opastetusta kahdeksan päivän kiertomatkasta pikkubussilla pienryhmässä.

Paikallisten oppaiden johdolla saat syvällisemmän käsityksen maan ainutlaatuisista nähtävyyksistä, ja matkasta muodostuu todella merkityksellinen kokemus. Sen lisäksi, että oppaat varmistavat turvallisuutesi talvisessa Islannissa, he tarjoavat myös mielenkiintoista tietoa paikallisesta kulttuurista, historiasta ja luonnonihmeistä.

Lisäksi sinulla on käytettävissäsi henkilökohtainen matkaedustaja ympäri vuorokauden koko kaksiviikkoisen Islannin-matkasi ajan. Voit ottaa häneen yhteyttä, mikäli haluat lisätä matkapakettiisi jotain ekstraa, tiedustella mitä tahansa asiaa tai jos tarvitset apua hätätilanteessa.

Matkan aikana käyt kaikissa Islannin tunnetuissa paikoissa, kuten rengastiellä, etelärannikolla, itävuonoilla, Pohjois-Islannissa ja Snæfellsnesin niemimaalla. Suosittuja nähtävyyksiä näissä paikoissa ovat esimerkiksi Jökulsárlónin jäätikköjärvi, Kirkjufellvuori, Gulfossin vesiputous, Mývatnjärvi ja monet muut.

14 päivän matkan aikana sinulla on useita päiviä vapaata aikaa tutustua lumoavaan Reykjavikiin ja nauttia erityisesti sen luonto- ja kulttuurinähtävyyksistä.

Jotta Islannin-matkasi olisi vieläkin elämyksellisempi, paketin hintaan sisältyy erilaisia retkiä, kuten jäätikkövaellus, käynti jääluolassa sekä valassafari. Lisäksi voit erillisestä maksusta lisätä päiviin monia muitakin retkiä ja elämyksiä, kuten ratsastusta, snorklausta Silfran halkeamassa, helikopterilento Reykjavikistä tai supermaastoautoajelu Islannin ylängöllä. 

Matkasuunnitelma sisältää myös lukuisia mahdollisuuksia rentoutua Islannin geotermisissä kuumissa lähteissä, kuten maailmankuulussa Sinisen laguunin kylpylässä.

Loman aikana sinulle tarjoutuu myös hienoja tilaisuuksia metsästää revontulia. Islanti on yksi parhaista paikoista maailmassa nähdä tämä kaunis ja värikäs valoilmiö, joten muista katsella talviselle taivaalle, kun sää- ja revontuliennusteet ovat suotuisat.

Jos matkasuunnitelmiisi tulee ennakoimattomia muutoksia, sinun ei tarvitse olla huolissasi, sillä voit peruuttaa varauksesi ja saada täyden hyvityksen, jos ilmoitat siitä meille 24 tuntia ennen lähtöä.

Nauti monipuolisesta talvilomasta Islannissa matkustamalla koko rengastien ympäri ja tutustumalla Reykjavikiin rauhalliseen tahtiin. Tarkista saatavuus valitsemalla päivämäärä.

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Hintaan sisältyy

Lentokenttäkuljetus Keflavíkin kansainväliseltä lentokentältä hotellille ja hotellilta lentokentälle
Opastettu kahdeksan päivän pienryhmäretki pikkubussilla Islannin rengastiellä ja Snaefellsnesin niemimaalla
Majoitus kuudeksi yöksi Reykjavikissa (saatavana eritasoisia majoituksia, aamiainen ei sisälly Huippuedullinen- ja Edullinen-tasoihin, aamiainen sisältyy Mukava- ja Laadukas-tasoihin), lisätietoja jäljempänä
Majoitus seitsemäksi yöksi eri maaseutuhotelleissa (aamiainen sisältyy hintaan, oma kylpyhuone saatavuuden mukaan)
Yksityiskohtainen matkasuunnitelma
Henkilökohtainen matkanjärjestäjä
Käynti jääluolassa


Reykjavik is the northernmost capital city in the world.Reykjavik / 6 yötä
An abandoned house on the Reykjanes Peninsula presents a striking contrast against a lush green landscape.Lounais-Islanti / 1 yö
Dyrhólaey peninsula from east to westEtelärannikko / 1 yö
The Vatnajokull glacier in Southeast Iceland.Kaakkois-Islanti / 1 yö
East Iceland is a spectacular region.Itävuonot / 1 yö
North Iceland is home to many incredible attractions, such as the Hvitserkur rock formation.Pohjois-Islanti / 1 yö
West Iceland home to many magical features, such as Hraunfossar waterfalls.Länsi-Islanti / 2 yötä
Deildartunguhver geothermal hot spring in West IcelandDeildartunguhver
Reykholt was home to Snorri Sturluson, a medieval writer.Reykholt



Þingvellir National Park is Iceland's only UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the major stops along the world famous Golden Circle sightseeing route.Þingvellir
Geysir is a dormant hot spring in the geothermal area, Haukadalur Valley, found in South Iceland.Geysir
Long-exposure photo of Gullfoss waterfall on a cloudy dayGullfoss
Seljalandsfoss on the South Coast of Iceland bathed in the otherworldly light of the midnight sun.Seljalandsfoss
The mighty Skógafoss waterfallSkógafoss
Reynisfjara beach and Reynisdrangar cliffs in winterReynisfjaran musta hiekkaranta
Arial view of Reynisdrangar and Mt. ReynisfjallReynisdrangar
Skaftafell Nature Preserve can be found in Öræfasveit, the western region of Austur-Skaftafellssýsla in Iceland.Skaftafell
Jökulsárlón is one of Iceland's most popular and unique attractionsJökulsárlónin jäätikköjärvi
The icy diamonds of Diamond BeachTimanttiranta
Hallormstadaskogar surrounds lake Lagarfjlot.Hallormsstaðaskógur
Lagarfljot, in east Iceland, has a terrible monster in its depths, according to legend.Lagarfljót
Bubbling hot springs at Krafla, near Myvatn.Mývatn
Goðafoss waterfall is located in North Iceland.Goðafoss
Puffins are residents of Eyjafjordur from May to September.Eyjafjörður
Trollaskagi is well known for its high population of Icelandic horses.Tröllaskagi
Hvítserkur, aka; “The Troll of North-West Iceland”, is a 15-metre (49ft) high basalt rock stack protruding from Húnaflói Bay.Hvítserkur
Seals hauling out at Ytri Tunga.Ytri Tungan ranta
Lóndrangar under the midnight sun.Lóndrangar
Djúpalónssandur Black Lava Pearl Beach is a beautiful place on the Snæfellsnes peninsula.Djúpalónssandur
Snæfellsjökull glacier above the black church at Búðir village.Snæfellsjökull
Mount Kirkjufell on Snaefellsnes peninsula is one of the most iconic mountains in IcelandKirkjufell
Hraunfossar is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in West Iceland.Hraunfossar


Kuumassa lähteessä kylpeminen

Matkan tiedot

Travel dates


Lentokenttäkuljetukset edestakaisin

Lentokenttäkuljetukset edestakaisin

Muokkaa matkasuunnitelmaasi

Päivä 1

1. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik - Saapumispäivä
  • More

On the first day of your winter holiday in Iceland, you will arrive in the country ready to begin your adventures. 

You'll land at Keflavik International Airport in the middle of a lava field on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Southwest Iceland. 

After collecting your bags, you'll board a complimentary bus ride that will take you through this barren lava field to Iceland's capital city, Reykjavik.

The distance from the Keflavik Airport to Reykjavik is around 31 miles (51 kilometers), taking nearly an hour.

You could stop at the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa on your way to Iceland's capital city. This world-renowned spa is known for its healing waters, vivid azure colors, and luxurious treatments. 

It is in the middle of a moss-covered lava field, giving it an otherworldly atmosphere. 

Adding the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa to your itinerary will be arranged according to your flights. If there is no time to visit the lagoon today, it can be added to another day. Your travel consultant will be able to arrange this for you. 

If you choose to add the experience of the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa to your vacation, two options are available. The comfort entrance gives you all you need for relaxation, including a silica mud mask and towel use. 

The premium entrance provides extras like more silica mud masks, a bathrobe and towel use, and a glass of sparkling wine if dining at the acclaimed LAVA restaurant.

Soon after, you'll reach the capital city of Iceland. There is plenty to see and do in Reykjavik if you have extra free time.

If you are not too tired, you can take a short walk around the city after settling into your accommodations. You will have plenty of time to explore the city in the coming days, so you can also unwind after the long flight.

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Päivä 2

2. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik
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On the second day of your winter vacation in Iceland, you'll indulge in a truly rejuvenating experience as you immerse yourself in the azure waters of the famous Blue Lagoon geothermal spa, a must-visit destination in Iceland. 

This geothermal spa is renowned for its mineral-rich waters that promise to melt away any remnants of jet lag, leaving you refreshed and revitalized for the days ahead.

When you book your excursion to the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa, you can choose between a morning or afternoon departure. It's important to note that exact timing cannot be guaranteed due to its immense popularity.

However, your dedicated travel agent will try to secure a slot that aligns seamlessly with your holiday plans, ensuring a fantastic experience.

As you soak in the warm, geothermal waters, you'll immediately feel a sense of serenity wash over you. 

The contrasting sensation of the soothing warmth around your tired muscles and the crisp, cold air on your face creates a truly immersive and authentic Icelandic experience. 

To enhance this therapeutic journey, the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa offers complimentary silica mud masks, allowing you to pamper your skin while basking in the tranquil ambiance.

After indulging in the tranquil haven of the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa, you'll have the rest of the day to explore the vibrant city of Reykjavik. As you venture into the downtown area, you'll discover a multitude of charming cafés, lively bars, and enticing restaurants. 

Treat your taste buds to a traditional Icelandic meat soup with rich flavors and locally sourced ingredients. 

Alternatively, you can savor Iceland's culinary specialty, the mouthwatering lamb hot dog, which will excite your palate with its unique blend of spices and condiments.

Take your time to stroll through the city streets, marveling at the distinctive architecture, colorful houses, and captivating street art. 

Reykjavik's cultural scene is also worth exploring, with galleries and museums showcasing the works of talented local artists and preserving Iceland's rich heritage.

Later on, you'll return to your comfortable accommodation in Reykjavik.

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Päivä 3

3. päivä – Lounais-Islanti

  • Lounais-Islanti
  • More
  • Thingvellir National Park
  • Geysir geothermal area
  • Gullfoss waterfall
  • More

On the third day of your tour package in Iceland, you’ll discover the sights of the Golden Circle sightseeing route. 

You will be picked up in the morning and driven out of the city to Iceland’s most popular sightseeing route, the Golden Circle. This scenic route spans around 190 miles (300 kilometers) and features three of the most beautiful attractions in the country.

The first stop today is at the Thingvellir National Park, the birthplace of Iceland’s parliament. Over a thousand years ago, Viking settlers would gather at the plains of Thingvellir National Park to decide on legislation and dispense justice. 

These meetings laid the foundation for Iceland’s current parliament, Althingi, making it the oldest parliament in the world.

Thingvellir National Park is not only historically significant, but it is also a geological wonder. It is located on the boundaries of two tectonic plates that are slowly drifting apart. 

As these plates move, they tear up the landscape, causing cracks and canyons throughout the region, giving the area a stunning and dramatic look.

Ensure you have your camera ready for your next stop, the erupting geysers of Haukadalur Valley. 

Here, you are bound to capture the perfect profile picture for your social media accounts because every five to 10 minutes, the geyser Strokkur erupts in a 49 to 66 feet (15 to 20 meters) high water column. A selfie in front of Strokkur is a must when visiting Iceland.

The last stop on your route is the stunning Gullfoss waterfall. 

At Gullfoss waterfall, you can see nature’s power and beauty as you watch freezing glacial water from the river Hvita plummeting around 105 feet (32 meters) into a canyon created in the last ice age.

You will then head to your accommodations in the area. As you are traveling in the wintertime, make sure you keep your eye on the sky. You never know when the northern lights might appear.

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Päivä 4

4. päivä – Etelärannikko

  • Etelärannikko
  • More
  • Seljalandsfoss Waterfall
  • Skogafoss waterfall
  • Reynisfjara black sand beach
  • Reynisdrangar Sea Stacks
  • More

On the fourth day of your northern lights tour in Iceland, you’ll explore the beautiful South Coast and have the option to take a glacier hike.

Your first stop today is at Seljalandsfoss waterfall. Seljalandsfoss waterfall is a tall, narrow, and beautiful cascade lit up by powerful spotlights in the winter day’s darkness, making it seem even more magical.

Next up is the equally impressive Skogafoss waterfall. This majestic feature falls around 197 feet (60 meters) onto the land below, which is very flat, allowing those who dare to walk right up to the wall of water. Wear waterproof clothing and shoes as you will get wet.

As you continue navigating the South Coast, you’ll see two majestic glaciers in the north. 

The first one, Eyjafjallajokull glacier, famously erupted in 2010, halting all European air traffic for a few days. You will also see the second one, Myrdalsjokull glacier.

You will then stop at one of Myrdalsjokull’s outlet glaciers, Solheimajokull, for a hike across the vast ice cap. 

During this excursion, you will trek past deep crevasses and jagged ridges, but you will be rewarded with incredible views of white and blue ice streaked with black from past volcanic eruptions.

An experienced local guide will lead the glacier hiking experience, so even first-timers are welcome to join. The glacier terrain is relatively easy to navigate, and safety equipment like crampons and harnesses are included.

At the end of the day, you will head to the village of Vik i Myrdal. It is here on the South Coast where you will find your accommodation for the night. 

The charming village lies on the banks of Reynisfjara, a stunning black sand beach with dramatic coastal cliffs and crashing waves,  famous for the massive Reynisdrangar sea stacks that rise out of the ocean like petrified trolls.

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Päivä 5

5. päivä – Kaakkois-Islanti

  • Kaakkois-Islanti
  • More
  • Skaftafell Nature Reserve
  • Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon
  • Diamond Beach
  • More

On day five of your winter vacation in Iceland, you'll explore the Vatnajokull National Park on the third day of your guided minibus tour around the Ring Road. This Icelandic park is the largest glacier in Europe, covering most of Southeast Iceland's landmass.

You will travel across the black sand desert of Skeidararsandur until you are greeted by the dramatic mountain ridges and white glaciers of Skaftafell Nature Reserve, found within the Vatnajokull National Park.

The area is a hiker's paradise as multiple trails and tracks lead to stunning waterfalls, glacier tongues, and mountain peaks. 

You'll spend some time discovering the hidden treasures of Skaftafell Nature Reserve before heading in the search for 'The Crown Jewel of Iceland,' the Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon.

Enormous icebergs that have broken off a nearby glacier float on the pristine lagoon. Watch for resident seals as you watch the icebergs on their journey toward the ocean. 

Nearby is Diamond Beach, where icebergs from the lagoon wash up on shore, glistening in the low sunlight like precious stones.

You will have the unique opportunity to explore an ice cave today. 

Suppose you are visiting between November and March. In that case, you will board a large super jeep at Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon that will take you deep into the Vatnajokull glacier, where you can witness the vivid blue colors of the ancient ice inside the cave.

If you are visiting outside these months, you will start your day with a visit to the Katla ice cave, where you'll step into the icy world of Myrdalsjokull glacier. There, you will witness the white ice streaked with ribbons of black ash from past volcanic eruptions.

You'll end the day at accommodations in Southeast Iceland. Remember to watch the sky if it is clear of clouds. This area is a great place to spot the elusive northern lights.

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Päivä 6

6. päivä – Itävuonot

  • Itävuonot
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  • Hallormsstadaskogur Forest
  • Lake Lagarfljot
  • More

On the sixth day of your winter adventure, your small group will venture into one of the most remote regions in Iceland, the Eastfjords, for a day filled with awe-inspiring natural beauty and unique wildlife encounters.

You'll be surrounded by beautiful and untouched nature today as you leave Hofn town in Southeast Iceland behind and enter the Eastfjords. To your west are jagged mountain ranges with the mighty Vatnajokull glacier towering above. 

Meanwhile, to the east are the eastern fjords with their black sand beaches, snowcapped mountains, and pounding waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

Aside from its spectacular beauty, the Eastfjords region is known for its diverse flora and fauna. This area is the only place in Iceland where you can see herds of wild reindeer. 

These wild animals leave the mountains for the warmer valleys for food and vegetation during winter.

Additionally, seals are often seen on the beaches, while Arctic foxes are known to frequent the area. 

You'll be making many stops today, visiting a few quirky villages the region is home to. Also included in your itinerary is Iceland's largest forest, Hallormsstadaskogur, and Lake Lagarfljot, which is said to hold a terrible wyrm monster.

If you wish to make this day even more memorable, you can add a horse riding tour to your itinerary during the booking process. 

Icelandic horses are known for their small stature, unique gaits, and gentle nature, and a riding tour through the frozen countryside is the perfect way to finish this day.

If you want, you can dip in the waters of the Vok Baths before retiring. This spa is immersed in a lake with incredible surroundings.

You will spend the night at an accommodation around the area in East Iceland. Check the sky for signs of the green, pink, and white northern lights before bed.

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Päivä 7

7. päivä – Pohjois-Islanti

  • Pohjois-Islanti
  • More
  • Lake Myvatn Area
  • Godafoss Waterfall
  • More

On the seventh day of your northern lights tour of Iceland's Ring Road, you will slowly make your way to North Iceland, a region with many hidden gems you can explore.

As you leave the peaceful Eastfjords region, the rugged mountain ranges will lead to shallow valleys and open plains. Many of these valleys are covered in snow during winter, but some remain lush and vibrant with vegetation.

Today, your main destination is Akureyri via the area around Lake Myvatn, known for its diverse geothermal and volcanic scenery.

You will stop at Namaskard Pass with its scenery reminiscent of a post-apocalyptic film. The vast, barren land is filled with hissing steam vents, bubbling mud pots, and strange rock formations of gorgeous, otherworldly colors. 

Towering over the landscape is the tall, treeless mountain Namafjall.

Next to see in the Lake Myvatn region is the lava field of Dimmuborgir, where 2,000-year-old rock sculptures will greet you. 

In the low sunlight, these eerie, ice-covered shapes will create different shadows and silhouettes, leaving no question as to why this area is believed to be the home of trolls, elves, and other mythical creatures.

The Myvatn lake itself is a stunning sight. It is partially frozen in winter, but volcanic landforms dominate the scenery, including lava pillars and rootless vents.

Before you reach Akureyri, you will stop at one of the country's most stunning waterfalls, Godafoss or the 'Waterfall of the Gods.' 

Not only is its beauty fitting for celestial beings, but it also symbolizes Christianity in Iceland. In 1000 AD, a pagan priest threw idols of his old gods into the waterfall in tribute to Iceland's new religion.

You'll retire to your accommodation in North Iceland for the evening. Make sure to look for the northern lights at night. Being closer to the Arctic Region gives you a better chance of spotting the beautiful lights.

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Päivä 8

8. päivä – Länsi-Islanti

  • Länsi-Islanti
  • More
  • Eyjafjordur fjord
  • Troll Peninsula
  • Hvitserkur Rock Stack
  • More

On the eighth day of your winter vacation in Iceland, you will explore some of the picturesque villages of Iceland.

In the morning, you'll start your journey from Akureyri, known as the 'Capital of the North.' Akureyri is the largest urban area outside Reykjavik and a bustling town with a robust cultural scene. 

Before departing, explore the charming streets with vibrant shops, cafes, and restaurants while immersing yourself in the local art and music scene.

Your first stop of the day will be at the picturesque village of Hauganes, located on the shores of the Eyjafjordur fjord. This tranquil fishing village is home to approximately 140 people and offers a perfect starting point for your whale-watching adventure. 

Step aboard a comfortable boat and embark on an unforgettable journey to encounter the magnificent marine life of Iceland.

Whale-watching is one of the island's most popular tour activities, and the Eyjafjordur fjord is renowned for its rich biodiversity. As you sail through the sparkling waters, keep your eyes peeled for majestic humpback and minke whales gracefully breaching the surface. 

The knowledgeable guides on board will provide fascinating insights into these incredible creatures and the surrounding ecosystem.

In addition to the captivating wildlife, the Eyjafjordur fjord offers breathtaking views of the mountain scenery and coastal landscapes. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the fjord, capturing memorable photographs of the towering peaks and picturesque shorelines.

After your whale-watching adventure, your winter adventure continues to Hvitserkur, a fascinating natural wonder. This 49-foot (15-meter) high basalt rock stack stands proudly along the shoreline, resembling an elephant or dragon bending down to drink from the sea. 

Take a moment to marvel at this unique formation, immersing yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of Iceland's geological wonders.

As the day ends, you'll head to Borganes. This charming town offers a peaceful retreat and a chance to reflect on the incredible experiences of the day. 

You’ll spend the night in West Iceland. Relax and recharge, ready to continue your Icelandic adventure tomorrow.

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Päivä 9

9. päivä – Länsi-Islanti

  • Länsi-Islanti
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  • Ytri Tunga Beach
  • Londrangar Basalt Cliffs
  • Djupalonssandur black pebble beach
  • Snaefellsjokull
  • Kirkjufell Mountain
  • More

On the ninth day of your winter tour of Iceland, you will explore the diverse sites on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. This 56-mile (90-kilometer) long stretch of land boasts various natural and geological features, earning the nickname "Iceland in miniature."

On your itinerary, you'll visit black sand beaches, dramatic cliffs, silvery waterfalls, charming villages, and a majestic glacier.

The most prominent feature of the peninsula is its namesake, the Snaefellsjokull glacier volcano. This geological wonder towers at around 4,744 feet (1,446 meters) and is an incredible location for sightseeing and hiking.

Besides its natural beauty, Snaefellsjokull glacier is famous globally thanks to many pieces of literary works. The glacier volcano served as the location for Jules Verne's legendary novel Journey to the Center of the Earth.

You will also stop at the stunning pyramid-shaped mountain Kirkjufell by the town of Grundarfjordur. 

The nearby Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall only adds to the beauty of this location, and you will have your chance to capture one of 'Iceland's most photographed mountains' on film yourself.

Next to explore is the Djupalonssandur beach, where you must navigate a maze of free-standing lava pillars and formations. After this, you'll arrive at the beach's smooth black pebbles that make up the shoreline. 

Scattered around the beach are the remains of a trawler that perished around 50 years ago just offshore, a stark reminder of how brutal Icelandic nature can be. Your tour guide will tell you more about this incident, including engaging local tales of folklore.

Other places of interest on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula are Ytri Tunga Beach, Gerduberg basalt cliffs, and the Budir black church.

You have another optional adventure today to make your experience even more incredible. Lava caving in Vidgelmir is a breathtaking experience and provides insight into Iceland's volcanism.

Once again, you will spend the night in comfortable accommodation in West Iceland.

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Päivä 10

10. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik
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  • Deildartunguhver hot spring
  • Reykholt historical site
  • Hraunfossar & Barnafoss waterfalls
  • More

The tenth day of your winter vacation in Iceland is your last day exploring Iceland's Ring Road. Today, you'll discover the beautiful sights in West Iceland. This region is steeped in history, folklore, and breathtaking landscapes.

Today, you will first visit the magnificent waterfalls, Hraunfossar waterfall and Barnafoss waterfall, considered jewels in the West Iceland landscape. Prepare to be amazed by the unique beauty they offer.

Hraunfossar waterfall, which translates to "Lava Falls," is a stunning series of trickling creeks that flow from an ancient lava field. The water emerges from the porous lava rock, creating a mesmerizing sight. 

Just a short distance from Hraunfossar Waterfall, you'll discover the aquamarine wonder of Barnafoss Waterfall, or "Children's Waterfall." This picturesque waterfall enchants visitors with its vibrant shades of blue and green. 

According to Icelandic folklore, Barnafoss Waterfall got its name from a tragic incident when two mischievous children fell into the waterfall and were swept away by its powerful current. 

Another stop to make is at Deildartunguhver, Europe's largest hot spring. Witness the immense power of nature as steam billows from this mighty geothermal marvel. 

The minerals in the water have colored the surrounding rocks and ground a bright red, creating a striking visual contrast against the stark Icelandic landscape. 

The warmth and energy emanating from the hot spring provide a welcome respite on a cold winter's day.

Continuing your journey, you'll arrive at the village of Reykholt, a place of great historical significance. History buffs and enthusiasts of Norse mythology will find this village particularly intriguing. 

Reykholt was once the home of Snorri Sturluson, a renowned poet, lawmaker, and historian who lived during the Middle Ages. 

Snorri Sturluson's contributions to Icelandic literature and his writings on Norse mythology have profoundly impacted the understanding of medieval northern European history. 

As the day draws to a close, you will return to your accommodation in Reykjavik, having completed the circle of Iceland.

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Päivä 11

11. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik
  • More

On your 11th day in Iceland, you’ll begin your three-day exploration of Reykjavik, the northernmost capital city in the world. This vibrant city has a rich cultural scene and a unique blend of modernity and natural beauty that you'll thoroughly enjoy.

Spend the day discovering the vibrant streets of the city. You can visit iconic landmarks such as the Hallgrimskirkja church, Harpa Concert Hall, or the Parliament Building.

The Hallgrimskirkja church is a magnificent architectural marvel, standing tall in the heart of downtown Reykjavik. This iconic landmark, reaching around 244 feet (74.5 meters), is an imposing masterpiece that dominates the city skyline.

The architectural design and structure of the church took inspiration from the basalt columns surrounding the Svartifoss waterfall in the Vatnajokull National Park.

If you are tired after your adventures on the road, visiting one of the city’s many geothermal swimming pools is highly recommended. 

The main draw of the pools is the outside hot tubs, where locals and visitors alike will soak aching muscles and talk about everything.

However, if you are feeling adventurous, you can take a few excursions today instead.

First, you can take to the skies on a geothermal helicopter tour. There is no feeling like the one you get when the helicopter takes off, and you see the colorful houses of Reykjavik get smaller and smaller. 

You will fly over the city and land at a geothermal area nearby, where you are bound to capture another fantastic selfie for your social media pages.

If you’d rather stay on land, you can opt for a super jeep tour to the Landmannalaugar area in the Highlands. Make sure you bring a bathing suit, as you can relax in a natural hot spring surrounded by nothing but the barren wastelands of the Highlands.

Tonight, you will return to your accommodation in Reykjavik.

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Päivä 12

12. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik
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On the 12th day of your winter tour of Iceland, you can explore more of Reykjavik, take an optional snorkeling tour in the Thingvellir National Park, or visit Langjokull glacier.

Start your second day in the city like a local and visit one of Reykjavik's many bakeries. Try Iceland's specialty, snudur, a cinnamon-filled roll slathered in chocolate, caramel, or sugar glaze.

Another must-try snack is the famous Icelandic hot dog, locally known as pylsur. Unlike most sausages, this local delicacy is mainly made of lamb. There's also a wide selection of toppings and condiments to pair it with, like crispy onion and remoulade sauce.

You could spend the day immersing yourself in Icelandic history with a visit to some of Reykjavik's history museums, such as the Arbaer Open Air Museum, the Settlement Exhibition, and the National Museum of Iceland.

Visiting these exhibitions will help you learn more about the Nordic country's rich history and colorful culture.

However, if you are the adventurous type, a few optional excursions are available today. You can revisit the Thingvellir National Park, this time for a swim between the two continents. 

Silfra is one of the fissures created when the two tectonic plates drifted apart. It was filled with melted glacial water throughout the centuries and is now one of the most unique places in the world for a snorkeling tour. 

The glacial water provides unparalleled views, and the vivid colors within the Silfra area will surely mesmerize you. Participants need to be comfortable in the water and able to swim.

You could also have some glacial adventures at Langjokull Glacier, Iceland's second-largest glacier. 

An intricate tunnel system has been created inside the glacier, providing a unique and fascinating opportunity to learn about glaciers as you travel through the bright blue hallways.

You could also stay above ground and race across the white expanse of Langjokull Glacier on a snowmobile. This exciting activity will surely get your adrenaline pumping and your heart racing.

You'll spend tonight at your accommodation in Reykjavik.

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Päivä 13

13. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik
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On the penultimate day of your vacation in Iceland, you'll explore more of Reykjavik.

You can start the day like a local and head to the swimming pools, a beloved pastime for Icelanders. 

Experience the unique Icelandic pool culture as you soak in the geothermal pools and relax in the steam rooms. It's a rejuvenating way to kick-start your day before further exploring.

After your refreshing pool visit, use the convenient city buses to navigate Reykjavik and the greater capital area. 

These buses offer a convenient and affordable way to reach various attractions and landmarks, allowing you to make the most of your time in the city.

If you're curious about Iceland's geology and zoology, including the diverse marine life in the surrounding ocean, visiting the Natural History Museum in nearby Kopavogur is a must. 

With the city card, you can enjoy free entry to the museum and a complimentary bus ride there.

For a unique excursion, consider taking a ferry ride to Videy, a picturesque island off Reykjavik's shores. 

Explore the island's tranquil landscapes, encounter historic ruins, and marvel at beautiful art installations such as Yoko Ono's renowned 'Imagine Peace Tower' and Richard Serra's striking 'Milestones.' 

Combining breathtaking views, cultural heritage, and artistic expression makes Videy a captivating destination.

As the evening sets in, Reykjavik comes alive with its vibrant nightlife. Venture into the city's buzzing bars, clubs, and live music venues to experience the renowned Icelandic party scene. 

Dance the night away to live music, sip on locally crafted cocktails, and mingle with friendly locals and fellow travelers.

Alternatively, if you're visiting during the winter months, a twilight walk to the Grotta lighthouse offers a chance to witness the enchanting northern lights. 

Bundle up and embark on a peaceful stroll along the shoreline, admiring the coastal beauty and watching the dancing colors of the aurora borealis. 

You'll stay in accommodation in Reykjavik tonight.

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Päivä 14

14. päivä – Reykjavik

  • Reykjavik - Lähtöpäivä
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The 14th day of your winter vacation in Iceland is your last day in the land of fire and ice, and it’s time to head home. If your flight leaves late, you could explore the city a little more, perhaps visit a shop or two for some fantastic souvenirs to bring back home. 

Icelandic music is an excellent gift to bring to friends back home, which you can buy at record shops such as Lucky Records, 12 Tonar, or Smekkleysa in the downtown area.

Alternatively, you can buy other local items to take home from the various shops, boutiques, and specialty stores in the area. Depending on your budget, you can find branded items, hand-crafted products, and cheap trinkets here.

You could also buy Icelander’s favorite candy, licorice. Visitors to the country either love or hate it. If not, many cafes and restaurants here serve different cuisines that can be familiar to your taste buds.

For those who have a later flight and choose to visit or revisit the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa today, you will finish your stay unwinding before heading to the airport. 

The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is the perfect place to relax as you bathe in the warm, mineral-rich waters while looking back on the incredible adventure you have just taken in the land of fire and ice.

Just inform your travel agent in advance so they can book your admission ticket for you. 

When it is time to leave, you’ll board a bus that will take you through the dark lava fields of the Reykjanes Peninsula, where you’ll find Keflavik International Airport. You’ll arrive at the airport with plenty of time to check in for your flight and drop your bags.

Relax in the airport while waiting for your flight to board and reminisce on your fantastic vacation.

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Mitä ottaa mukaan

Lämpimät ja vedenpitävät vaatteet
Uimapuku ja pyyhe
Täytettävä vesipullo

Hyvä tietää

Revontulet ovat luonnonilmiö, eikä matkanjärjestäjä voi siksi taata niiden osumista matkasi ajankohtaan. Tämä matkasuunnitelma on kuitenkin suunniteltu siten, että sään suosiessa sinulla on parhaat mahdollisuudet nähdä niitä. Huomaa, että matkasuunnitelmaan voidaan tehdä pieniä muutoksia, jotta se saadaan sopimaan paremmin saapumisaikaasi.

Osa valinnaisista aktiviteeteista voi edellyttää ajokorttia, tai sinun on ehkä lähetettävä lisätietoja matkan suunnittelijalle. Huomaa, että jos haluat snorklata tai sukeltaa, sinun on oltava uimataitoinen ja pystyttävä olemaan vedessä ongelmitta sekä esitettävä lääkärintodistus ennen aktiviteettia.

Joitakin aktiviteetteja saatetaan toisinaan joutua perumaan, jos ne olisi vaarallista tai mahdotonta järjestää sääolosuhteiden vuoksi. Jos valitsemasi aktiviteetti perutaan, autamme sinua järjestämään varauksesi uudelleen tai varaamaan mahdollisuuksien mukaan muita aktiviteetteja. Mahdollinen hintaero hyvitetään sinulle.

Huomaa, että Islannin tiet ja jalkakäytävät voivat olla liukkaita talvella. Suosittelemme ottamaan mukaan pitävät kengät tai kenkien päälle asetettavat liukuesteet. Liukuesteitä myydään useimmissa valintamyymälöissä ja useimmilla huoltoasemilla eri puolilla maata.

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