
Nanna Gunnarsdóttir

Certified Travel Blogger

An actress, producer and writer and also a food addict based in 101 Reykjavík (what locals call a 'downtown rat'). I run an events company called Huldufugl, produce regular Poetry Brothel Reykjavík events and am the festival director of Reykjavík Fringe Festival. I've lived around the world, in Brazil, Spain, Norway, Argentina, England and Estonia - and besides Icelandic I speak English, Portuguese, Spanish and Norwegian. If you need tips about Icelandic culture, food, theatre, dance, art and what to do in Reykjavík - get in touch! I've also travelled extensively in Iceland, so if you need some nature tips, I've got some of them too.
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Filming in Iceland this week!

I haven't written anything in a while now. Last time I was in Iceland was in June, when I had a wonderful time dining out, snowmobiling, chilling in the Blue Lagoon and going to ATP Festival. Since then I've been in London, Edinburgh and Oslo, busy finding a new job, auditioning for roles, working as a stilt princess and moving house! But now I'm going back to Iceland, this Friday for 2 whole weeks :) It will be an interesting trip, seeing as I will be taking care of 6 Brits making the short film Venus & Mars in that time, . None of them have been to Iceland before and it's up to me to sco

The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is Amazing!

The Blue lagoon spa in Iceland is considered to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. I think I can agree to that!   In June I went to Iceland for just over 3 weeks. My friend was getting married, a couple of other friends were graduating, my dad had a birthday and I got to meet up with a lot of friends and loved ones. For the last 10 days of my stay in Iceland though, my (English) boyfriend came over to join me and then I got to play the tourist - one of my favourite things to do in Iceland! :) We biked all over the city, went to a few hot springs, drove to Snæfellsnes peninsu

Festival summer in Iceland!

Last weekend was pretty great. I went to a music festival called Field Day in London on the Saturday and then to Brighton for 3 days from Sunday to Tuesday. Music was great, food was good and Brighton has the best shops in England (unfortunately I had no money to spend though - but I was given a pair of shoes!)  The sun even came out for a bit!  Seeing the sun and going to a music festival just made me look forward to the continuous daylight and the upcoming festivals in Iceland - I'll be home in Iceland for over 3 weeks from next Friday! Normally when I'm in Iceland, I don't have much pl

IWONTPUL - The Best Kept Secret From Iceland

This year marks the 6 year anniversary of an international festival that started in Iceland. A festival that thousands of people all over the world have participated in - but nonetheless nobody really knows anything about it. The International Weekend Of Notoriously Tacky Pick-Up Lines starts today and lasts until Monday the 20th of May. Previously known as IWOBPUL - The International Weekend Of Bad Pick-Up Lines, the year 2013 saw a name change to celebrate the 6th anniversary - with a more appropriate abbreviation.  The festival has only been known to people through Facebook and word of

What Are Friends For?

Guide to Iceland was started by a group of friends. Friends that want to help each other out. And friends that are keen to get more foreign friends and help them out by giving them tips about our country and culture. I've benefitted from the group of friends on Guide to Iceland already. (Largely) thanks to them I'm now about to compete in a national challenge in the UK with 249 other people for the chance to go to space. Going to space is a lifelong dream for me. Hopefully I'll live up to the challenge and get through to the next round and make my friends proud. I also want to

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Please send the first Icelandic woman to space!

I Need your help to go to space! I've entered a competition in order to go to space - if I do, I'll be the first Icelandic woman to go to space! I would also get fabulous views of the earth and get to experience weightlessness - and I've wanted to go to space ever since I was a little kid! The competition is in a few parts, for the first part I need people to vote for me - and the top 200 people with the most votes go through to the second round. This is where YOU come in! If you could please, PLEASE, please go to this link and press vote for me, I'll be eternally grateful

Having a Lazy Day in Reykjavík vs London

Today is just one of those days that I don't know what to do and don't really feel like doing anything - but still want to do something! Those days are weird, aren't they? I should do some work but don't feel like it. I should tidy up but don't feel like it. If feels like a Sunday rather than a Friday. A perfect day to go to a swimming pool to soak in a hot tub and afterwards have a hot dog... maybe even pop into Bíó Paradís afterwards and watch a movie. So you're not doing much but still doing something and not spending too much money. Unfortunately, I'm not currently in Iceland so this pr

Send Me Around The World!

Do you want to help a fellow traveller fulfill her travel dreams? If so, please Vote for me! I can give you tips about traveling around Iceland and tell you about quirky Icelandic habits - but can you help me travel around the world instead? I've entered a competition for My Biggest Baddest Bucket List and you can help me by watching my promo video, liking it and sharing it on twitter, facebook, stumble, pin it and/or gmail! If I win it, I promise I'll wear my dinosaur outfit (that you can see in the clip) in every single country I go to - that's on my bucket list! Who wouldn't want to se

Some People Say I'm Crazy, I Just Say I'm Icelandic

  For some reason, I've been called 'crazy' by a lot of people I've met in my life. Now, I've never known why - and people never give me a proper explanation why they say this. "Just because you ARE crazy". That's not an answer.   When I moved to the UK I found out that the reason people call me crazy is probably mainly to do with the fact that I'm Icelandic. Being Icelandic means that you grow up with very different values from a lot of other countries in the world = Icelanders are weird for other nations.  In the UK I find that people are somehow a bit restricted to express themselves

Send Me To Space!

Please help me get to space! I've entered a competition to go to space. I've always thought that when space travels become cheaper I'd cash out and fly to orbit (or preferably the moon). Maybe on my 60th or 70th birthday.  But if a deodorant brand wants to send me sooner than that - and for free - that's OK with me. But it looks like they want to send a man, having the slogan 'Leave a man, come back a hero'. Don't they know it's the women that hold most of the spending power in Western society?! Personally, I'd quite enjoy a deodorant ad where a female astronaut goes into space and comes

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