
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Certified Travel Blogger


Hi, my name is Regína and I was born and raised here in Iceland. Since 2013 I have written 300 travel blogs about various interesting places to visit in Iceland. I hope you enjoy reading my travel-blog :)

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The spectacular Silver Circle in West-Iceland

The Golden Circle in South-Iceland is the most popular route in Iceland, with its beautiful waterfalls, geysers and historic sights. But there is another route in West-Iceland, which is also worth a visit; the Silver Circle of Iceland. Then we have another very popular circle up north called the Diamond Circle. I refer to these 3 circles as the Jewel Circles of Iceland. On the Silver Circle, you will find beautiful waterfalls coming straight from a lava field, the most powerful hot spring in Europe, a hot spring Spa, one of the historic sites in Iceland and archaeological remains, a spectac

The beautiful Geirsstaðakirkja Turf Church in East Iceland - a Replica of an old Turf Church​

On the land of Litli-Bakki in Hróarstunga in East Iceland, you will find a replica of a 1000-year-old farm turf church, which stood on this spot in the Commonwealth Age (þjóðveldisöld 930-1262). An archaeological dig back in 1997 on the land of Geirsstaðir, run by the East Iceland Cultural Museum - Minjasafn Austurlands, unearthed old ruins of a farmstead, consisting of a Viking long-house, a turf church, and two smaller buildings. A circular turf wall was unearthed around the buildings.   Top photo: Geirsstaðakirkja church Inside Geirsstaðakirkja Turf Church Geirsstaðakirkja turf chur

Tröllafoss - Trolls' Falls in Mosfellsdalur Valley in South-West Iceland

You don't have to go far from Reykjavík, Iceland's capital city, to visit beautiful waterfalls. One such waterfall is hidden away in Mosfellsdalur valley in SW-Iceland and is mainly visited by us locals. It is a hidden gem. This waterfall is called Tröllafoss or Trolls' Falls and is located in Leirvogsá river. Top photo: Tröllafoss waterfall The gravel road leading to Tröllafoss waterfall Tröllafoss waterfall is close to Skeggjastaðir farm. To find it you turn right on a trail before you reach that farm. There are two parking spaces, one for 2WD, where you can leave your car and follow

The Majestic Grænavatn Turf House at Mývatn in North-Iceland

I have been writing about the main turf houses in Iceland and now want to show you the turf houses in the Mývatn area by Grænavatn lake. It is called Grænavatn turf house or Green Lake turf house. Grænavatn is a settlement farm, so there might have been a turf house in this same location since the Vikings settled in Iceland.  Top photo: The Majestic Grænavatn Turf House at Mývatn  Grænavatn turf house This is a large turf house, the front house is 30 m long and 8 m wide and there are also outbuildings remaining. The turf house at Grænavatn is an example of how turf houses were built at

Tyrfingsstaðir Turf House in Skagafjörður in North-Iceland & Fornverkaskólinn

In Skagafjörður in North Iceland, you will find a big turf house; Glaumbær turf farm - but there is another less visited turf farm in Skagafjörður as well, close to ring-road 1, but off the beaten track. It is called Tyrfingsstaðir turf farm at Kjálki. The first written source on this turf farm is a contract of sale which dates back to the 8th of January 1478, but it is believed that there has been a farm here since before the year 1300. Top photo: at Tyrfingsstaðir turf house Tyrfingsstaðir turf house You will find several turf houses at Kjálki; the turf farm, which consists of 5 buil

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The Mythical Walk of Reykjavík - become acquainted with the Elves, Trolls and Mythical Beings of Iceland

The summer of 2019 was unusually sunny in Reykjavík. So instead of travelling around Iceland like I usually do, I only made one trip up north and stayed in Reykjavík to enjoy the sunshine. I checked out what my city Reykjavík had to offer in terms of guided tours. Top photo: The Mythical Walk of Reykjavík The oldest house in Reykjavík is in Aðalstræti, not counting the one on Viðey island I was intrigued by the name of one tour I found - the Icelandic Mythical Walk | Trolls, Elves & Hidden People. As you, who read my travel-blog, know then I have dedicated many travel-blogs to the my

Fancy tasting some authentic Icelandic Whisky at the Eimverk Distillery?

Now, this travel-blog of mine is a bit different from my other travel-blogs at Guide to Iceland, where I focus on interesting sights to visit in Iceland and our history. But I am now going to introduce to you a genuine Icelandic product; the first and only whisky distillery in Iceland producing whisky from 100% Icelandic barley; Eimverk Distillery. They call their product Flóki whisky - From Grain to Glass. Top photo: The guide Rökkvi introducing Flóki whisky to us Eimverk distillery  Eimverk Distillery offers daily guided tours of their factory at 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00 - weekends at

Drangsnes at Strandir in the Westfjords Region, the Troll and the Hot Tubs

Drangsnes is a lovely little fishing village at Strandir on the eastern part of the Westfjords Region of Iceland, just 30 km away from Hólmavík village. At Drangsnes you will find 3 hot tubs by the sea just as you enter the village. The hot tubs have become the main attraction of the village, together with Grímsey islands and the pillar of rock a little further on, which is one of the trolls, who wanted to divide the Westfjords Region from the mainland of Iceland. The pillar of rock gives the name to Drangsnes as such pillars of rocks are called drangur in Icelandic. Top photo: the hot tu

The 3 Trolls who wanted to separate the Westfjords Region from the Mainland of Iceland - Icelandic Folklore - Vestfjarðatröllin

Icelandic folklore contains a lot of elf- and troll stories and I have shown you many such locations in my travel-blog. A well-known Icelandic troll story tells us about the 3 trolls who wanted to sever the Westfjords Region from the mainland of Iceland and keep the Westfjords Region as a troll country. While staying at Kirkjuból at Strandir for 3 days I visited 2 of the trolls. I had already visited the 3rd troll on several occasions, but that troll is to be found across Steingrímsfjörður bay and gives the name to Drangsnes.  Top photo: Vestfjarðatröllin - the Westfjord Trolls The 2 tr

3 Days of fun at Kirkjuból and the Sheep Farming Museum at Strandir in the Westfjords Region

I got the opportunity to stay at Kirkjuból at Strandir in the Westfjords Region of Iceland for two years in a row, when my husband was taking part for 3 days in the children's festival Náttúrubarnahátíð at Sauðfjársetur – the Sheep Farming Museum at Strandir. All the time during this wonderful children‘s festival we stayed at the guesthouse Kirkjuból and got to know the family who lives there and runs both the festival and the Sheep Farming Museum. Top photo: Sauðfjársetur - the Sheep farming museum Jón and Dagrún at Sauðfjársetur - the Sheep farming museum And what a treat it was to

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