
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Certified Travel Blogger


Hi, my name is Regína and I was born and raised here in Iceland. Since 2013 I have written 300 travel blogs about various interesting places to visit in Iceland. I hope you enjoy reading my travel-blog :)

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A modern-day Viking - the Heroic Deed of the Fisherman Guðlaugur Friðþórsson in the Westman Islands

Vestmannaeyjar, the volcanic Westman Islands in South Iceland, are an archipelago south of Iceland, and a really interesting place to visit. A volcanic eruption took place in the town of Heimaey Island back in 1973;  with all the inhabitants having to flee to the mainland. In this travel-blog, I want to tell you about one of the heroes of the Westman islands - Guðlaugur Friðþórsson - and tell you why there is a free-standing bathtub in the open on Heimaey Island. Top photo: Vestmannaeyjahöfn harbour The bathtub with an information sign - a memorial If you see a bathtub on Heimaey isl

Fróðárheiði Heath & the Fróðá Wonders - Icelandic Folklore: Ghosts and Zombies in the Viking Age!

Fróðárheiði (361 m) is one of the heaths at Snæfellsfjallgarður on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. The 14 km long road crossing the heath is now all paved. Given the bad weather in this area, this heath is often impassable during the winter. Extraordinary happenings took place at Fróðá, known as the Fróðárundrin or the Fróðá Wonders. These wonderous events happened around the year 1000 AD and are told of in the Eyrbyggja Saga, one of the oldest Icelandic Sagas set on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. I roughly translated it from Eyrbyggja Saga, as follows: Top photo: Fróðá river by Fróðá farm Fróðá

The Horrific Viking Battles in Skagafjörður, North-Iceland

In my last travel-blog, I told you about my ancestors, the Vikings, and Viking activities in Iceland today. Now I want to show you some of the locations of the biggest Viking battles in Iceland. This is a travel-blog about my travels in Iceland to the better-known Viking areas in Sturlunga. Top photo: the Holy Rood at Haugsnes Viking swords - artwork at the Kakalaskáli exhibition In Skagafjörður, in North Iceland, you will quickly find yourself on the trail of the Vikings. Throughout history, several Viking battles were fought in this beautiful part of Iceland. Remember the Clan of Stu

The Icelandic Vikings - a List of Viking Activities and Viking Museums in Iceland

Our foreign visitors often ask me where they can find Viking "stuff" in Iceland, and what Viking activities they can take part in during their stay in my country. So I decided to write a travel-blog with a list of the Viking activities, Viking exhibitions, and museums, that I know about and have taken part in here in Iceland.  Top photo: The Viking club Rimmugýgur in Iceland The Viking festival in Hafnarfjörður The Norwegian Vikings arrived in Iceland in open Viking ships in the 9th century and settled on this cold volcanic island in the north. Here they had to fight the elements and

A colourful Hike through the Nesjalaugar and Köldulaugar Geothermal Areas in SW-Iceland

You don't have to drive far away from Reykjavík, Iceland's capital city, to find a very colourful geothermal area. I recently hiked through such an area, which will make you feel like you stepped into another world for a moment. This beautiful geothermal area is located at Nesjavellir and belongs to the volcano Hengill. The volcano Hengill is amongst the largest high-temperature geothermal areas in Iceland, covering some 100 km2. The most popular part of this huge geothermal area is Reykjadalur valley, where you can actually bathe in a hot river! One of my most widely read travel-blogs is

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The Saga of the Viking Egill Skallagrímsson & the 9 Cairns in West-Iceland

Have you visited the 9 cairns from the Saga of the Viking Egill Skallagrímsson? Borgarnes in West-Iceland (pop. approx. 1,880) was the home of one of the settlers in Iceland, Skalla-Grímur Kveldúlfsson, and his rascal son Egill, who was raised at Borg at Mýrar, just outside of Borgarnes town.  In Borgarnes town you will find the award-winning Settlement Centre in two of the oldest building in Borgarnes, with excellent exhibitions about the settlement of Iceland and the Saga of Egill, which is amongst the best-known Icelandic Sagas Top photo: Egill Skallagrímsson as depicted at the Settlem

Aldeyjarfoss Waterfall in North-Iceland in extraordinary Basalt Column Settings

Aldeyjarfoss waterfall in Skjálfandafljót river in North-Iceland is one of the most beautiful waterfalls I have ever seen in my country. It has got a drop of 20 meters into a turbulent, icy cold pool and is set in such beautiful basalt columns, that the beauty just blows my mind. Aldeyjarfoss in the right light is the perfect photography location. Top photo: Aldeyjarfoss as seen from the north bank Aldeyjarfoss waterfall I am a big fan of both waterfalls and basalt columns, so I have put Aldeyjarfoss amongst my top 3 favourite waterfalls in Iceland. You know how some waterfalls look l

Grásteinn Rock in Reykjavík - is this Rock the Home of the Icelandic Elves?

A rock split in two can be found in the Grafarholt suburb on the outskirts of Reykjavík, Iceland's capital city. It is located by ring-road 1 on Vesturlandsvegur road on the land of Keldur. In this rock, Grásteinn or Grey-stone, some elves are said to live, and it makes for an interesting story of how we found out about the elves in this rock. Top photo: the split Grásteinn rock Visiting Grásteinn with a friend from England During road construction in 1970-1971, the workers meant to move the rock, which weighs some 50 tonnes. But the machinery started breaking down, which invariably happ

The temperamental Giantess Jóra in Jórukleif and the Lava Pots by Selfoss in South-Iceland

In the middle of the Ölfusá river in South Iceland, a lone rock with one Christmas tree on top might catch your eye. Ölfusá river is Iceland's largest river by volume and the water in it at some point created Iceland's best-known waterfall; the majestic Gullfoss in Hvítá glacial river. Top photo: Jóruklettur rock in Ölfusá river The information sign by Ölfusá river tells us about Jóra the giantess Old folklore in Þjóðsögur Jóns Árnasonar - the Collection of Folklore of Jón Árnason, tells us the story of how this rock came to get its place in the middle of this glacial river. Apparently,

The mystical Rauðhólar Pseudocraters and Tröllabörn - the Troll Children in SW-Iceland

In this travel-blog I am going to show you a special phenomenon that you pass when you drive on ring-road 1 just east of Reykjavík city. You will notice a cluster of dark maroon hills. These hills are called Rauðhólar - Red Hills and are around 5,000 years old pseudocraters - give or take a few years. Top photo: a lovely couple on top of one of the pseudocraters Rauðhólar pseudocraters Pseudocraters are as far as I know rarely seen outside of Iceland and on the planet Mars, so they are quite an interesting phenomenon. They are formed when 1,100°C molten lava flows over ponds and swamp

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