
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

Certified Travel Blogger


Hi, my name is Regína and I was born and raised here in Iceland. Since 2013 I have written 300 travel blogs about various interesting places to visit in Iceland. I hope you enjoy reading my travel-blog :)

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The lovely Boutique Hotel Ráðagerði in Patreksfjörður, the friendly Village in the Westfjords of Iceland

The Westfjords of Iceland are ever so beautiful, a bit off the beaten track for most people, but very much worth visiting during your Iceland visit. If tranquillity and breathtaking landscape is what you are looking for, then the Westfjords are the place to check out. During my 8-day visit in 2017 to the Westfjords of Iceland, I stayed for one night in the lovely fishing village Patreksfjörður in the southern part of the Westfjords, which is Iceland's westernmost village. This little tranquil village has a population of ca 700 people, making it the biggest village in the southern part of th

A Tour of Svalvogar & Kjaransbraut in the Westfjords - the most dangerous Road Construction in Iceland

Join me on a journey on the most dangerous road construction in the Westfjords of Iceland and be rewarded with the most amazing scenery. This road, which is often called Kjaransbraut - the Kjaran's Avenue, also the Svalvogar circle, is only open for a couple of months a year and Westfjords Adventures offers guided tours on this one-lane jeep track.   Ever since I first saw photos from this scary looking road and the ruggedly beautiful surroundings I have wanted to experience this drive myself. Top photo: the road by Skútabjörg Kjaransbraut road - Svalvogavegur by Hrafnholur What makes

A lovely Stay at Hotel Breiðavík in the Vicinity of Puffins galore at Látrabjarg in the Westfjords of Iceland

On a lovely summer day in July, I visited the largest seabird cliff in Iceland, Látrabjarg in the Westfjords of Iceland, which is one of the best places to photograph a puffin in Iceland. This cute bird has almost become the icon of Iceland as it is ever so photogenic. To be able to enjoy my visit to the fullest I stayed overnight in the vicinity, at Hotel Breiðavík, the westernmost hotel in Europe, which is only 12 km away from Látrabjarg cliff. Top photo: a cute puffin posing at Látrabjarg Hotel Breiðavík sign Breiðavík bay is located between Látravík and Kollavík bay, and the gold

Whale Watching and Sea Angling from Reykjavík Harbour with Reykjavík Sailors

Whale watching is a popular pastime in Iceland and seeing that Iceland is an island we don't have to go far to see the whales. I recently joined a tour by Reykjavík Sailors leaving from Reykjavík harbour. I have lived in Reykjavík my whole life and this is the first time I went whale watching from Reykjavík harbour.   I have gone whale watching on my travels around my country, but I did not have to go that far as there are awesome whale sightings in my backyard, so to speak.   When I was little only on a couple of occasions there were sightings of whales just outside of Reykjavík, but they

A fantastic Helicopter ride with Norðurflug to a Geothermal Area in South Iceland

Now, this was one of the most exciting experiences of my life - I got a phone call from Norðurflug Helicopter Tours where they asked me if I would like to join one of their tours - in half an hour!!  I kind of panicked as I was supposed to be elsewhere, but very quickly said "YES" as I had been dreaming of going on a helicopter ride for ages.   Top photo: by the helicopter at the geothermal area Landing in the geothermal area, on my second visit It was sunny and just a few clouds in sight on an almost clear sky - the perfect weather for a helicopter ride. I hurried down to the Reykjav

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The excellent Saga Musica Show - the Icelandic Sagas portrayed in Songs

Seeing that I am always writing about the Vikings and the Sagas then I could not give a new show a miss - the Saga Musica - where the Icelandic Sagas are beautifully portrayed in songs by very talented musicians.   The auteur and the producer of the show are well known in the Icelandic Music and Culture scene - Valgeir Guðjónsson and his wife Ásta Kristrún Ragnarsdóttir. Valgeir is a household name in Iceland - he is a well-known singer, lyricist, film composer, and TV producer amongst many other things.  Valgeir is maybe best known for being a member of the popular bands Spilverk þjóðanna

Sæból at Ingjaldssandur in the Westfjords of Iceland - my Grandmother's Birthplace

I want to dedicate this 200th travel-blog of mine here on Guide to Iceland to a very remote valley in the beautiful Westfjords of Iceland- the birthplace of my maternal grandmother, Kristbjörg Guðmundsdóttir.   This remote valley is called Ingjaldssandur and is located in Önundarfjörður fjord. To reach Ingjaldssandur we drive on the northern side of Dýrafjörður fjord, pass Núpur, drive into Gerðhamradalur valley and up on Sandsheiði heath, on a narrow, winding gravel road, and down into Brekkudalur. Top photo: Sæbólskirkja church Driving into the fog on the mountain not knowing where t

Icelandic Crafts and Design at City Hall in Reykjavík

Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, twice a year hosts the Crafts and Design Fair at City Hall called Handverk og hönnun in Icelandic. Icelandic artists from all over the country come together at City Hall to sell their unique products.  Here you will meet designers from the North, South, East and West parts of my country. At the sales show you will find woollen and leather goods, jewellery, clothes and shoes, artwork made from horns and bones and paper, wood-carving and pottery.  Top photo: Reykjavík City Hall It is a great venue for getting acquainted with what the designers and a

Stand-up Comedy in Iceland - the Comedy Club & the Golden Gang - Come Talk Funny - a Show in English

My hometown Reykjavík has got an ever-growing Stand-up comedy scene, which I attend regularly - as what is better than a good laugh to get us through the long winters here in Iceland?  Or just any time of the year :) And now there is even a Stand-up comedy show in English for our foreign visitors. I want to tell you about how it all started and developed into the ever so popular shows of the Golden Gang Comedy - Come Talk Funny, which in May 2017 celebrated their 100th show in just 2 years! Rökkvi Vésteinsson, Programmer and Stand-up Comedian created the Comedy Club back in 2013 and star

The Secret Cabin of Thor hidden in the Woods of South-Iceland

Tucked away in the woods of South-Iceland you will find the Secret Cabin of Thor -named after both the Old Norse Viking God of Thunder and the owner of the cottage, Ólafur Thor. Close by Thor's cabin the ice-cold and roaring glacier river Hvítá runs its course from the second largest icecap in Iceland, Langjökull glacier and Lake Hvítárvant in the highland of Iceland.  Top photo: the Secret Cabin of Thor in the woods Hvítá river This white and forceful glacial river is the same river that creates Iceland's best-known waterfall, Gullfoss - the Golden Fall, which cascades 32 meters in tw

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