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Sigrun Þormar

Certified Travel Blogger

My name is Sigrun Guttormsdóttir Þormar. I live inBorgarfjord west Iceland, where I work as a project leader at the cultural medieval center Snorrastofa in Reykholt. For those that don't know, Reykholt was the home of Snorri Sturluson, medieval writer and poet whom lived in Reykholt from 1206 to 1241. He was the author of the Edda, Heimskringla (History of the kings of Norway) and Egils Saga Skallagrimsson. For me Snorri is the most amazing employer whom I proudly serve and constantly present in my every day life! He is absolutely still going strong at 835 years of age. Please come and visit us at We are open all weekdays during the winter and all days during summer. We have an exhibition about Snorri Sturluson and offer lectures for groups. Hope to see you soon :)
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Keflavik Base Area anno 2014

Major Jose Peltier and Lt. Col. Kevin Chaney, I believe this was your plane ?   Friday 28th February, members of the Saga Trail Association were invited by representative of Tourism in Keflavik community (Reykjanesbær),  on a VIP sightseeing around the former Nato Base aria at Keflavik Airport. When we were shown the bunker with this beautiful plane, I felt like I was taking part in "Top Gun", just waiting for a young version of Tom Cruse to join us :).  At the conference we used a couple of hours to brainstorm about the possibilities that Reykjanesbær community has  to make use of the old

The Iceland Saga Trail Association

Friday to Saturday ( 28th February to 1st March)  Snorrastofa will be attending the "Saga Trail Association"  conference in Víkingaheimar ( Vikingworld)  near Keflavik airport. We will be discussing the planned expansion of the organisation to periods after the 1550, and to celebrate a more formal cooperation with" Islandsstofa". We will be sightseeing around the former Keflavik naval base station aria and  the  museum Vikingaheimar. Sigurður Ingi from  has designed a beautiful necklace and brooch that match the logo of the Saga Trail Association. The logo is design by Ernst Ba

Surtshellir Cave | Den of Thieves or Temple of Doom ?

(With the kind permission of Kevin B. Smith from Brown University - lecturing Reykholt on 22nd of February 2014)           ln the 13th century text Landnámabók (Pálsson and Edwards 1972), the 14th century Harðar saga ok Hólmverja (Jónsson 1953), and the fictive 19th century Hellismanna saga (Árnason 1889) Surtshellir is identified as the base of an outlaw band that fortified the cave in the late 10th century preying on the surrounding countryside until routed by a coalition of local chieftains.  The presence of bone piles and a stone-walled structure have been anecdotally recorded s

Surtshellir and Gilsbakki - Lectures in Reykholt

Saturday of February,  we will be having some very interesting lectures in the old school house in Reykholt, from 13 to 17 oclock.  Lecturers are Kevin and Michèle Hayeur Smith, their lectures will be in English. Kevin Smith:   "Den of Thieves or the Temple of Doom?"  Recent Archaeological Investigations in Surtshellir,  and Excavations at the Eagle’s Home: Archaeological Investigations at Gilsbakki in Hvítársíða, 2008-2009 ( Kevin is an archaeologist and has done research in “Surtshellir” since 1987). Michèle Hayeur Smith:  "Spin me a Yarn, Weave Me a Tale" ;  Textiles, Women and Cl

Hraunfossar / Lava Waterfalls

Today it is cold in Borgarfjord, the thermometer shows -10 celsius, the sun is shining and the wind is still. The view today towards the glaciers is magnificent….. Only about 15 to 20 minutes drive from Snorrastofa, are the amazing waterfalls "Hraunfossar". The water flows from the nearby glaciers, Eiríksjökull and Langjökull, through/ under the lava and flows out again by "Hvítá" ( The white river). Hvítá gets it milky color from the glaciers minerals.   Visit the waterfalls any time of year, they are truly worth it. For more information visit Snorrastofa or see West Iceland. 

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Cross in Reykholt

    The Cross in front of the church in Reykholt The design of the cross is inspired by the Gunnhild crucifix from 1150. The cross at Reykholt is made of steel and cedarwood, designed by the Norwegian artist Jarle Rosseland. Rosseland uses the emblems of the four Evangelists from the Book of Kells, refering to the roots of Christianity in Iceland. Icelanders trace their ancestry to Irish immigrants as well as Norse settlers. The Cedarwood is grown at Tendring in Essex, Maud ́s Court. During the lifetime of Snorri Sturluson a crusader lived there. He brought home from Lebanon a cedar

The Ring from Reykholt

    Gold ring The ring found in the chancel of the medieval church at Reykholt is 18 carat. It is beaten into shape, widest and convex on the top with upturned edges and acanthus leaf decoration in the Romanesque style. Internal diameter is 19 mm, date c. 1500. It is possible that the ring was made in Iceland. The original is kept in the National Museum of Iceland.   Not many rings have been found from this time in Iceland, most famous is the ring from " Rangárvellir".    The archaeologist Guðrún Sveinbjarnardóttir found this ring in Reykholt during the archaeological excavation on Snor

Tod im Tunnel

Tod im Tunnel! Snorri Sturluson, Islands Grosser Dichter, war ein überaus gelehrter Historiker. Nur politisch blieb ihm das Glück versagt!  (Von der Spiegel Geschichte 6/2010) Nun ist der 1179 im westisländischen Hvamm geborene Junge nicht irgendjemand. Unter seinen Vorfahren finden sich Könige und eine Reihe berühmter Skaldendichter. Die sanfte Geiselhaft erweist sich für den vielversprechenden Knaben als Glüchsfall: Sein Ziehvater  ist ein für seine Bildung und Gutmütigkeit in ganz Island berühmter Gelehrter. Mit 20 Jahren verlässt Snorri Oddi, sein Lehrer ist tot ( Der Pflege Jon Loft


In this time of year we are pretty tired of the icelandic winter …..  This winter has been particularly boring, windy days and slippery roads and sidewalks!   At this time of year I seriously wonder if spring will ever come to Iceland again :( So what do we Icelanders do to survive the long winter here far in the North?  of course we give a party!    It is an old tradition in Iceland to celebrate that we are half way through winter so we hold this midwinter feast,  originally  held to honor the god Thor. ( "Blot" meaning a feast held in honor of a pagan god).  At this feast we enjoy old t

Northern lights in Reykholt

Reykholt is always beautiful no matter the season and wintertime can be quite amazing here in the countryside with three glaciers to make the picture absolutely perfect !  the 3 " ELO"  making the perfect background are ;  Eiríksjökull, Langjökull and  Ok  This winter there have been many groups visiting Reykholt, some are from Japan whom are Aurora hunting :)    It is difficult to be sure when the Northern Lights will appear, as this depends on many different factors as  solar-activity and a clear sky is of course necessary!    The groups visiting Reykholt normally stay at the Fosshotel,

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