
Ju Ker

Gecertificeerde reisblogger


I feel so lucky to have been in so many parts of Iceland! I know now the hidden treasures and spots that are worth a detour, a visit or even a contemplation. I'm working in environment protection and I have always been attracted by this vast and unspoilt island and its many birds. I can give you tips for your trips to Iceland, and, of course, some small spots where you will be able to observe the local wildlife! Instagram: @icelandic.frenchies

J'ai la chance d'avoir pu arpenter l'Islande en long en large et en travers... je pense connaître les coins qui méritent un détour, une visite voire une contemplation. Je travaille dans la protection de l'environnement et j'ai toujours été attirée par cette vaste île vierge et préservée et par ses nombreux oiseaux. Je peux vous donner des conseils pour vos voyages en Islande, et, bien sur, sur quelques petits coins pour observer la faune locale ! Instagram : @icelandic.frenchies

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Kerlingarfjöll, the land of ice and fire in the Highlands

Well, I must admit that when I think of Iceland, I think about ice, glaciers and also volcanoes, steam, geysers... Volcanic activity is what brings me the first time in Iceland, as I remembered the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull in 2010, that almost killed my holidays :) It's not called the land of ice and fire for nothing. I had the chance to have both ice and fire in a place called Kerlingarfjöll in the Highlands. It's so beautiful.. especially during a sunny day ;) Consultez ici l'article en français What's Kerlingarfjöll? Kerlingarfjöll is an amazing spot in the Highlands. Kerlinga

Ingólfshöfði, a Puffin Paradise Near Skaftafell !

Ingólfshöfði (a difficult name to pronounce) is the destination not to be missed for bird lovers. Ingólfshöfði, an Icelandic toponym literally meaning "Ingólfur's residence", is a cape of Iceland measuring 75-meter-high and is an ancient island of the Atlantic Ocean. The site is the supposed place of the first berthing of Ingólfur Arnarson, the first permanent settler of Iceland, in the 9th century. Cliquez ici pour voir l'article en français. Why go to Ingólfshöfði? I must admit that I love history but what I love the most is birds: Ingólfshöfði is a wonderful natural reserve where man

Glacier Hiking Experience, Tips You Need to Know

When you travel to the land of fire and ice, it's difficult not to be tempted by a glacier hike. There are several spots where you can go on a hike: the departures are either from Skaftafell, or from the Sólheimajökull parking lot. From Skaftafell hikers normally go to the Svínafellsjökull glacier (a part of Vatnajökull glacier), but Sólheimajökull is a part of Mýrdalsjökull glacier. It is, of course, also possible to book a tour from Reykjavik, check the tips below. I must warn you that you should only ever book with an agency and not go alone onto the glaciers, as they are dangerous and

Envie de randonnée sur glacier? Cet article est pour vous!

Lorsque l'on part sur la terre de feu et de glace, difficile de ne pas être tenté par une randonnée sur glacier. Il y a plusieurs spots sur lesquels il est possible de partir faire une randonnée, les plus connus étant au départ de Skaftafell, sur le Svínafellsjökull, ou depuis le parking de Sólheimajökull pour randonner sur le glacier du même nom (il est bien sûr aussi possible d'effectuer des départs depuis Reykjavik). Attention, il est recommandé de réserver auprès d'une agence et de ne pas aller seul sur le glacier. Au cours de votre séjour, et si vous passez par la route circulaire, vous

Birdwatching in Látrabjarg : a perfect place in the Westfjords for puffin lovers

Látrabjarg (LaO-tra-byarrg) is still a destination not to be missed for bird and puffin lovers. Látrabjarg is located in North West Iceland, in the Vestfirðir peninsula, and in the westernmost region of Europe. Its coastline are made of cliffs fourteen kilometers long and rising to an altitude of 440 meters. The cliffs are home for millions of nesting seabirds, including the Razorbill whose population on this site represents 40% of the world's population of this species. They also shelter the largest puffin colony in the world. Cliquez ici pour voir l'article en français Why Go to Látrabj

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Skaftafell: The Spot That You Can't Miss!

Skaftafell National Park is definitely my favorite place in Iceland! I was a volunteer for two and a half months and I walked the park through all the hiking paths! In my opinion, Skaftafell is a site you can't miss if you come to Iceland. The landscapes, the proximity of the glacier, all the different kind of activities that you can practice there are reasons why you must stop in Skaftafell, not to mention that the park is accessible all year and by the ring road! Cliquez ici pour voir l'article en français Why Should You Visit Skaftafell? Skaftafell (pronounced Skaff-ta-feTL) is a wi

Arctic Foxes Territory : How to Get to Hornstrandir Nature Reserve!

If you're like me and are in love with great landscapes and uncrowded places, I invite you to discover the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve. Hornstrandir is an exceptional protected site and is the most remote territory in Iceland. The reserve has important colonies of seabirds, nesting in particular in the cliffs of Hornbjarg and Hælavíkurbjarg ("bjarg" means cliff in Icelandic). These cliffs alone are home to more than 700,000 couples, including a large colony of guillemots and kittiwakes. The peninsula is also home to a large concentration of northern fulmars and razorbills, as well as some

Hornstrandir, le territoire du renard arctique

Si vous aussi vous aimez les grands espaces et les lieux peu fréquentés, je vous invite à découvrir la réserve naturelle d'Hornstrandir située dans les Fjords de l'Ouest en Islande. Hornstrandir est un site protégé d'exception et est le territoire le plus reculé d'Islande. La réserve possède d'importantes colonies d'oiseaux marins, nichant en particulier dans les falaises de Hornbjarg et Hælavíkurbjarg ("bjarg" signifie falaise en islandais). Ces falaises réunissent à elles seules environ 400 000 couples d'alcidés, dont 70 000 couples de petits pingouins et 5 000 de macareux moines. La pénins

Laugavegur : the hike that should be on your bucket list !

Laugavegur, meaning « hot spring route » is the name of the famous hike from Landmannalaugar to Þórsmörk. Cliquez ici pour voir l'article en français Why is it a must-do? Landmannalaugar is the most popular site of the highlands. This pure beauty can be discovered by foot when you're hiking on the laugavegur hiking trail. However, many other hiking trails allow you to discover Landmannalaugar with different level of difficulty. Landmannalaugar is located in the Fjallabak Nature Reserve in the Highlands. The landscapes are shaped by volcanic activity, which forged reddish craters, mountains

Laugavegur, la randonnée mythique et incontournable

La Laugavegur ou « route des sources chaudes » est le nom de la randonnée reliant le Landmannalaugar à Þórsmörk (et inversement). Click here to the English version Pourquoi y aller? Le Landmannalaugar est le spot incontournable des hautes terres d'Islande. C'est un concentré de beauté et quand on fait le chemin à pied, cette beauté se mérite! Au-delà du classique Laugavegur (voir descriptif ci-dessous), de nombreux autres sentiers permettent de découvrir par des randonnées de niveaux faciles à moyens les alentours de Landmannalaugar. Le massif du Landmannalaugar, situé dans les hautes terr

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