Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to Geysir

Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to Geysir

Bas Brand
Autor: Bas Brand
Zweryfikowany bloger podróżniczy

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 11 in Iceland From Þingvellir to Geysir (81 km)

Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to Geysir

From Holland I had arranged to go diving at Silfra. I had searched on Internet and found that the big diving centres wanted to get paid in advance and that they were not flexible about the date.

I had found Magadiving a small dive organisation that had a much client friendlier approach. David Ramey,  also local guide for “Guide to Iceland”  , was our dive guide. During our trip I had kept in touch via email and we had been able to fix the date that suited both.  

Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to Geysir

Here you can dive into the cracks between the European and American continental plate. Annually push the continents with approximately 3mm apart.

David from Magma Diving led this dive.Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to GeysirWe gathered at the Dive and Snorkel parking. There are various diving organizations with their vans full diving gear for guests. The larger organizations were simultaneously water with large groups

The water was a comfortable 3 degrees Celcius here.

Here go a lot of people make a dry suit dive dive hardly elsewhere. We dived with 4 incl guide David

Fell by the large group of our vision to me, was told that the water is as clear as spring water and should be drunk during the dive.

The group of us crawled over the rocks for us and caused dust, although it remained visibility than more than 100m. Drink I omitted. therefore the dive was a bit disappointing.

At the 2nd dive we were the first, and I was in front of camera. Now it was really swim in spring water. You floated in the water but you did not see it, some people get enormously from vertigo.

The flow towards the lake was also stronger and we had steady swim from the 1st gaps to get to the stairs.

After the dives it we continued to Geysir, we stayed at the camping closest to the Geysers.  The camping was relative expensive and for showers you had to pay extra, it did not feel vey good.

The geysers were impressive and we made the obvious pictures.  We had a perfect dinner in the Hotel Geysir.Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to GeysirDay 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to GeysirDay 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to Geysir

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