Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins

Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins

Bas Brand
Autor: Bas Brand
Zweryfikowany bloger podróżniczy

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland.

Day 8 in Iceland: From Flókalundur to Bjarkalundur (335km).

Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins

As we left in the morning there were even less cars on the road than usually. In the distance I saw an animal crossing the road, and as we moved closer (very slowly) I noticed it was an Arctic fox.

We managed one picture before it went hiding again.

Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffinsDay 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins

At Látrabjarg as we parked we saw some people lying on the ground near the cliff edge.

Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins

As we came close we noticed the Puffins, this was our first time ever. It was quite an experience. Carefully we installed ourselves on the grass and started to take pictures and shoot some film footage. It was difficult to stop photographing and filming. The Puffins were amazingly beautiful. 

Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffinsDay 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffinsDay 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffinsDay 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins


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