Iceland in 3 weeks

Bas Brand
Autor: Bas Brand
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Just to give you an impression what my next blogs will be about , I made a short compilation of  the films I made during our Iceland trip.

We left from home 4 July to take the ferry from Hitshals to Seydisfjordur on the 7TH July and spend 3 weeks traveling Iceland in our 4x4 Toyota Hilux with a “Dutchcamper” unit. We started on the ring road going North and West, to the Westfjords. Because we did not have enough time we skipped the Reykjavik area. From Jökulsárlón, we turned back and continued over the highland routes.

The 28th July we took the ferry back to Denmark, and arrived 31st at home in the Netherlands.

During my next blogs I will describe the route in more detail.

7 jul1


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