Iceland trip 1, preparation

Iceland trip 1, preparation

Bas Brand
Autor: Bas Brand
Zweryfikowany bloger podróżniczy

During a diving holiday in Egypt I got a text-message from my wife Ditta: "Next year for our summer holiday we go to Iceland".

This was November 2015; back home I joined in the preparation she had already started.

December 2015 I tried booking a ferry from Hirtshals Denmark to Iceland, with the car.

It didn’t work, it said no place available. After a call I still got a ferry booking.

From now on things got serious.

Ditta was preparing our own road book, with everything she could find on the internet.

I started watching almost every available YouTube film on river crossing on Iceland.


We decided that our 4x4 Toyota Hilux needed some preparation too.

Air suspension and snorkel installed, and we did not the forget the vent of the rear cardan shaft vent, it needed to be placed higher up to prevent water entering while crossing a river.

As we anticipated not to have shower facilities available at all times we prepared disposable washcloths  form old bath towel.


Ditta prepared route maps and made a rough plan for the trip.

Finally I got my cameras ready, we packed and got on our way.

I will post more on our trip, if you wish you can check my youtube channel to view more.


Follow my trip here: Day 1 of 3 Week Road Trip in Iceland

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