Day 1 of 3 Week Road Trip in Iceland

Day 1 of 3 Week Road Trip in Iceland

Bas Brand
Autor: Bas Brand
Zweryfikowany bloger podróżniczy

Route day 1

From Seyðisfjörður to Ásbyrgi, 223 km

The Ferry trip from Denmark to Iceland was comfortable, 2 relaxing days.

We passed close by the Shetland Islands and made a short stop at the Faroe islands.

We arrived in the morning at Seydisfjordur and were lucky to leave the boat with the first vehicles. We drove to Egilsstadir to do some shopping. And as we are used to buying water bottles in southern Europe, we did so here. As we left the shop a local man told us “buying water in Iceland is like buying sunshine in Spain” This was the last water we bought. We took road 1 Direction West, and made a small detour driving the Möðrudalsleið. Back on the 1 we continued west and took the 864 to Dettifoss waterfall. 


The waterfall was impressive, we had a walk and took pictures and filmed.  We were informed that Iceland is fresh in summer, well we were prepared but 8° Celcius was still very cold.



From Dettifoss we continued to Asbyrgi where we camped.

We drove 223km. 




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