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Przewodnik turystyczny — Fludir

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Fludir is a mystical town where geothermal energy seethes just beneath the earth.

Fludir is a small, picturesque village located in the municipality of Hrunamannahreppur in the Southern Region of Iceland.

One of the best ways to visit and explore this region is on a Golden Circle tour. It's also a great base to explore the South Coast of Iceland, so make sure to book accommodations at Fludir ahead of time.

Geography of Fludir

The village has the river Litla-Laxá running through it into the larger river of Hvítá, and it is overlooked by the mountain Midfell. With a population of just under 800 people, its residency has grown around greenhouse activity and general horticulture, which continues to be the area's primary produce.

Being located near the ever-popular destinations Gullfoss waterfall and Geysir, both on the world-famous Golden Circle, the village and its surrounding area are known for being exceptionally green, plentiful and, of course, warm because of geothermal activity.

The aforementioned rivers are awash with trout and salmon, and the village's surrounding farmlands are acclaimed for their cultivation of plants, meat, and dairy.

Sights, services and accommodation 

Flúðir has long been a favored camping destination amongst Icelanders. Visitors can camp at Tjaldmiðstöðin Fludum or the nearby Álfaskeid, next to the farm Sydra-Langholt.

Since 1999 the notably luxurious Hotel Fludir has also been available for accommodation and fine dining. Because of the region's abundant organic produce, the acclaimed hotel restaurant prides itself on serving solely locally-grown fruits and vegetables.

Another advantage of the geothermal activity in the region is its abundance of warm natural pools. Although the minuscule Hrunalaug has undergone a great deal of damage lately due to an excessive amount of visitors, the larger-scale Secret Lagoon at Hverahólmi has been modified to accommodate a much larger number of people, while still preserving its natural terrain.

The water in these hot springs stays at a temperature of 100°F (38-40°C) throughout the entire year. Opened in the year 1891, The Secret Lagoon is officially the oldest swimming pool in Iceland.

It is much more affordable and much less busy than the Blue Lagoon but lacks the silica masks, healing treatment, saunas and steam rooms. The Blue Lagoon is also closer to Reykjavík and Keflavik International Airport.

Other sites include the folk museum at Grof, the golf course Selsvollur, the horse rental at Syðra-Langholt and Fludasveppir, the country's largest mushroom manufacturer. 


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