Hotel Hellnar in west Iceland

Hellnar - Tiny Little Beach and a Café

Kirjoittaja: Jórunn
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Hellnar in west Iceland

Because I love Snæfellsnes peninsula in west Iceland I'm gonna dwell there a little bit longer (see my last blog about Búðir).

Hellnar in west Iceland

Do you have a special place you can totally forget about time? For me Hellnar on the westernmost part of Snæfellsnes is a place like that. Again like at Búðir there is a very special energy around there and when there I always get this soothing, relaxing feeling like I don’t want to leave. 

Hellnar beach in west Iceland

The tiny rocky beach with perfectly shaped stones, the peculiar cave, the sound of the ocean and how nature has formed everything so perfectly and beautifully makes this spot idyllic in every way.  

On top of all this there is a tiny little café right next to the beach that is open from 1st of May until 15th of November.  I think that might be one of Iceland's smallest cafés with 3 or 4 small tables inside. Their service is excellent and homely offering drinks of all kinds, cakes, waffles with cream, fish-soup and home made bread and more. You can choose to sit inside or outside on the balcony enjoying the spectacular and peaceful view there.

Hellnar café in Iceland

For centuries Hellnar was among the largest fishing villages beneath the Snæfellsjökull ice cap. The Hellnar church was built in 1945 on a picturesque site where a church was first raised in 1833.

Hotel Hellnar in west Iceland

At Hellnar you can also find Hotel Hellnar, the first travel and tourism business in Iceland to be certified by Green Globe. Hotel Hellnar is committed to providing quality service in a safe, ecological environment where care has been taken to use natural building materials, and adhere to ecological building standards.  The opening period is 1st of May until 31st of October.

I definitely recommend a stop at Hellnar, a real candy for your eyes and a great energy for your body and soul.  Please feel free to contact me if you want more info about this place and area.

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