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Leeftijd bestuurder
Leeftijd bestuurder: 30 - 65
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Ik woon in: IJsland
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Leeftijd bestuurder
Leeftijd bestuurder: 30 - 65
Ik woon in
Ik woon in: IJsland
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MYCAR is hier gevestigd
Geverifieerde klantbeoordelingen
Lees de beoordelingen om te zien wat onze klanten overal ter wereld vinden van onze dienstverlening
The car was clean and comfortable. Also, the staff gave me proper advice and I was able to cover the accident. Thank you and I love you.
Jason Li
Very good driving experience. Good advisory from their staff.
Ellen Clas
Comfortable car, great customer service, timely road condition notifications
william henderson
we picked the car up from "mycar" company. they were very pleasant to deal with. the car was in perfect working condition and when I go back I will definitely use their company again.
The car was clean and comfortable. Also, the staff gave me proper advice and I was able to cover the accident. Thank you and I love you.
Jason Li
Very good driving experience. Good advisory from their staff.
Ellen Clas
Comfortable car, great customer service, timely road condition notifications
william henderson
we picked the car up from "mycar" company. they were very pleasant to deal with. the car was in perfect working condition and when I go back I will definitely use their company again.
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