
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

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Hi, my name is Regína and I was born and raised here in Iceland. Since 2013 I have written 300 travel blogs about various interesting places to visit in Iceland. I hope you enjoy reading my travel-blog :)

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The Historic Glaumbær Turf House in North Iceland

As you might have noticed from my previous travel-blogs, then I adore turf houses. Whenever I travel around Iceland I seek out turf houses and turf churches, they are just so characteristic of my country. Everybody lived in a turf house in Iceland, both rich and poor and there are still several turf houses in Iceland, most of which have been preserved. There is a lovely historic turf house in Skagafjörður in North Iceland, called Glaumbær farm, and should not be missed while travelling in this area. Top photo: Glaumbær turf House in North Iceland Glaumbær turf house in North Iceland A

The extraordinary Kolufossar waterfalls in Kolugljúfur Canyon in North-Iceland

I recently travelled to the north of Iceland. I had seen a travel program on TV about Kolugljúfur canyon in Víðidalur valley and really wanted to see it with my own eyes. So off we went up north :) We were travelling in the evening and needed a place to stay for the night. I had heard good things about Dæli, which is part of the Icelandic Farm Holidays Association. Top photo: By Kolufossar waterfalls in the middle of the night The summer cottage at Dæli So I phoned ahead and I was in luck, they had a summer cottage available for the night. When we arrived at Dæli we looked for the sum

Drangey Bird Cliff in North-Iceland and the Viking Grettir the Strong

I went on a truly memorable trip when I sailed by boat from Drangeyjarferðir tours and climbed up on the top of the steep Drangey island sea cliff in Skagafjörður fjord in North-Iceland There is only one way to climb up to the top of Drangey - on the man-made path at "Uppgönguvík" or the Climbing-Up-Cove. It is a steep path up to the top of the 180 m high cliff, but there are ropes and chains to make the ascent easier. And a ladder on the final climb.  Top photo: Puffins on Drangey island - all my photos are taken in fog, so they are a little dark On the boat tour arriving at Drangey isla

A lovely Hike into the mysterious Stakkholtsgjá Canyon in South-Iceland

I recently went on a fantastic tour with my mother, where I explored a beautiful canyon in Iceland - Stakkholtsgjá canyon.  We were a group of Icelandic people travelling together and were headed to Þórsmörk National Park on a day trip. One of the stops on the way was to hike into this beautiful canyon. Top photo: In Stakkholtsgjá canyon Hiking in Stakkholtsgjá canyon Stakkholtsgjá is one of the places in Iceland which are just out of this world. It is around 2 km long and up to 100 m deep.  There are some small rivers to be crossed and many of us got wet feet and some people fell in

Keldur Turf House in South Iceland - is this the oldest House in Iceland?

I adore turf houses, also called sod houses, they are so typical Icelandic. So I think it is proper to write about the oldest turf house in Iceland, the historical farm of Keldur in South Iceland. Keldur is one of only very few preserved turf houses in South Iceland, the other ones are f.ex. the turf house at Austur-Meðalholt, which is now a museum, and at Skógar museum you will find a lovely collection of turf houses. Keldur turf-farm and an employee from the National Museum I have written travel-blogs on all of the remaining turf houses in Iceland, f.ex. Laufás turf house, Þverá turf

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The Beautiful Laufás Turf House in Eyjafjörður in North-Iceland

Laufás turf house in Eyjafjörður is a must-visit while travelling in North-Iceland. I love these old turf houses, they are so typical Icelandic in my opinion. My grandmother was born in a turf house, so it is not so long ago that turf houses were inhabited here in Iceland. Times have changed, for sure. Laufás Turf House in Eyjafjörður in North-Iceland On my travels around my country, I search for turf houses and have written a long travel-blog about the turf houses I have visited for the past years: A List of the beautiful Icelandic Turf Houses, which I have visited on my travels in Icel

Eyjafjörður Fjord in North-Iceland - Historic Churches

On my travels in Iceland I visit all the churches I encounter - and to visit some of them I travel long distances. There are several historic churches in Eyjafjörður fjord, the longest fjord in North Iceland. In this travel-blog I am going to show you 4 of them, the church at Grund, Saurbæjarkirkja turf church, Munkaþverá church, and the church at Möðruvellir. There are several other churches in Eyjafjörður which I will be writing about later on. Top photo: Grundarkirkja church Grundarkirkja church Inside Grundarkirkja church I took the photos inside Grundarkirkja back in 2010 when the

Nonnahús and Nonni - the Honorary Citizen of Akureyri the Capital City of North-Iceland

Nonnahús museum is my favourite museum in Akureyri and a hidden gem in the capital city of North Iceland. I have such fond memories of visiting this museum when I was a child, and I visit Nonnahús museum every time I travel up north to Akureyri :)  Top photo: the lovely Nonnahús house Nonnahús as seen from above Nonnahús was the childhood home of Jón Stefán Sveinsson (1857-1944), who was called Nonni, but Icelandic men with the name Jón are often called Nonni or Jonni. Nonni wrote famous children's books about the adventures with his brother Manni.  Nonnahús is one of the oldest house

Eyjafjörður Fjord - the Christmas House - Jólahúsið - is open all Year round

Just outside of Akureyri town in North-Iceland, you will find a Christmas House - Jólahúsið - in Hrafnagil in Eyjafjörður fjord. It is a must-visit while in this area. It is ever so lovely, like a magical world. And it is very much loved by the locals, I included :) The last time I visited it was in August and the temperature was 20 degrees C so it was quite strange entering a Christmas House.  Grýla - the mother of the Icelandic Yule Lads The owners, Benedikt and Ragnheiður, opened Jólahúsið, The Christmas House, back in 1996. It is on two floors and sells everything imaginable related

Eyjafjörður Fjord - Akureyri, the beautiful Capital City of North-Iceland

Akureyri is the capital city of North Iceland and situated in Eyjafjörður fjord, so I think it is fitting to add a special travel-blog in my Eyjafjörður series about this magical city of the North.  It has got a population of approximately 19,156 people (2020) making it the second-largest city in Iceland after the Greater Reykjavík area.  Top photo: Downtown Akureyri Péturskirkja - the Catholic church in Akureyri Akureyri is such a beautiful city with a lot of character, surrounded by high mountains and only some 100 km away from the Arctic circle. A lot of cruise ships stop in Akureyr

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