
Regína Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir

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Hi, my name is Regína and I was born and raised here in Iceland. Since 2013 I have written 300 travel blogs about various interesting places to visit in Iceland. I hope you enjoy reading my travel-blog :)

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The majestic Hvítserkur Sea Stack - the Troll of North-West Iceland

On Vatnsnes peninsula in North-West Iceland, some 50 meters offshore stands the majestic Hvítserkur, a 15-meter tall monolith or sea-stack, an eroded volcanic dyke. It looks like an animal of some sort, an elephant or a rhino; or even a dinosaur drinking. Top photo: Hvítserkur It is quite spectacular and well worth a visit. Especially in the summertime, when you will find a lot of fulmar nesting on it, so it seems to be alive. It is half-white from their guano, thus the name Hvítserkur; "hvít-" = white and "-serkur" = a long shirt. I just love monoliths like this one, and it is a big

Rauðasandur Beach & Sjöundá in the Westfjords of Iceland - Red Sands & a Crime Scene

Rauðasandur beach or Red Sands beach is a beautiful red beach in a very remote area in the Westfjords of Iceland. Most beaches in Iceland are black, but the beaches in the Westfjords are golden or pink.  Rauðasandur is kind of reddish in colour and the name of the beach is most likely derived from the colour of the sand. The sand, in turn, gets its colour from pulverized scallop shells. But the name can also derive from the settler in this area, Ármóður rauði Þorbjarnarson or Ármóður the Red. At Rauðasandur You might also notice that the beach is either called Rauðisandur or Rauðasandur

Látrabjarg in the Westfjords of Iceland - the largest Seabird Cliff in Iceland - Puffins in Abundance

Látrabjarg bird-cliff in the Westfjords of Iceland is the largest seabird cliff in Iceland and one of Europe's biggest seabird cliffs. Látrabjarg is also one of the westernmost parts of Europe (24°32'´3" west). The Bjargtangar part of Látrabjarg is often called the westernmost point if you skip the mid-Atlantic archipelago of Azores. Látrabjarg is over 440 meters high and 14 km long.  Top photo: a puffin at Látrabjarg The lighthouse at Látrabjarg is the westernmost lighthouse in Europe. Látrabjarg is considered to be one of the most spectacular seabird cliffs in the world and the bird

Hot Pools in the Westfjords of Iceland - a Selection of the Natural Pools I have visited

You will find several natural geothermal pools in the Westfjords of Iceland. I have visited most of them on my visits through the years to the Westfjords. I am going to show you some of them in my travel-blog as I love visiting them. But so many people are dipping into them nowadays that some of them cannot self-clean anymore. Just take that into account before dipping in. Top photo: Hellulaug hot pool Hellulaug pool Dipping into Hellulaug pool with nude tourists Hellulaug pool is a geothermal pool which is located right on the beach. It is lovely sitting there with the view of the oce

The magnificent Dynjandi Waterfall - the Jewel of the Westfjords of Iceland

Deep in the remote Westfjords of Iceland, you will find the breathtakingly beautiful Dynjandi waterfall. Dynjandi waterfall is the biggest waterfall in the Westfjords and truly deserves to be called the Jewel of the Westfjords. It is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland, at least the most majestic waterfall I have seen in my country. Dynjandi waterfall Dynjandi, or Fjallfoss as it is often called, cascades some 99-100 meters, looking exactly like a beautiful bridal veil. On top, it is 30 meters wide and widens up to 60 meters at the bottom.  There are 6 other

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Mývatn in North-Iceland - Part IV - Mt. Námafjall, Krafla & Leirhnjúkur Geothermal Areas

In this last part of my Mývatn in North-Iceland series Part I-IV I am going to show you the extraordinary geothermal areas and lava fields by Mt. Námafjall and Krafla. This area is only some 5 km away from Mývatn and here you will see a big contrast in the landscape and vegetation; changing from the green and vegetated Mývatn area to the barren and colourful geothermal landscape of the Krafla area. Top photo:A huge solfatara at Hverir Mt. Námafjall - Hverir geothermal area Alone at Hverir and Mt. Námafjall Let's first stop at Mt. Námafjall, which is the orange/yellow rhyolite mountain

Mývatn Part III - Grjótagjá aka the Love Cave, Stóragjá & the Mývatn Naturebaths

Grjótagjá rift is very close to Dimmuborgir. It is half-full with thermal water and is one of the best-known caves in Iceland. Grjótagjá has got two entrances and steps leading down to it. People used to bathe in it, women on one side and men on the other side. During the eruption of the close-by Mt. Krafla in 1975-1984, the temperature of the water in Grjótagjá rose so much (up to 60-70 degrees C) that it couldn't be used for bathing. The temperature of the water has cooled down a bit but is now still too hot for bathing. Top photo: inside Grjótagjá cave Grjótagjá cave I have dipped m

The amazing Mývatn Area in North-Iceland - Part I

Mývatn in North-Iceland is my all-time favourite area in Iceland and should not be missed while visiting my country. The Mývatn area is called Mývatnssveit, but we Icelanders always refer to it as going to Mývatn. At Mývatn, you can f.ex. walk on the rim of the pseudocraters Skútustaðagígar, see beautiful lava pillars by Lake Mývatn, walk through amazing lava formations in Dimmuborgir - Dark Fortress, visit a cave with geothermal water and bathe in the Mývatn Naturebaths, which are referred to as the Blue Lagoon of the North. Top photo: inside Lofthellir cave Klasar at Kálfastrandarvoga

Mývatn in North-Iceland - Part II - Dimmuborgir Lava Field & the Cave of the Yule Lads

Dimmuborgir - the Dark Fortress at Mývatn are a true wonder of nature. Dimmuborgir consists of huge lava rock formations which make you feel like you stepped into another world - a world of fairy tales. The formation of these extraordinary lava pillars stems from molten lava creating a lava pond in the eruption of Lúdentarborgir and Þrengslaborgir row of craters some 2,300 years ago. Top photo: Inside the gap at Dimmuborgir Walking inside Dimmuborgir The molten lava pond began solidifying on the surface creating a crusty roof, with the lava flow deepening the lava pond. Groundwater bec

The Magical Snæfellsnes Peninsula in West-Iceland - Part IV- Mt. Kirkjufell & Grundarfjörður and much more

This is part IV in my series of travel-blogs about the magical Snæfellsnes peninsula, in which I show you the most interesting places on the peninsula in chronological order. There is so much to see and do here, that I have had to add 5 travel-blogs with several side-blogs. Top photo: By Snæfellsjökull glacier By the roots of Snæfellsjökull glacier I hope that this travel-blog style guide will prove helpful in introducing my favourite peninsula in Iceland to you and that you will be able to enjoy it better when you visit it yourself. If you want to start travelling with me from the be

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