
Matt Gibson

Certyfikowany bloger podróżniczy

Matt Gibson is the President of the Professional Travel Bloggers Association, a nonprofit organization that works to help travel industry and brands meet and work together. He’s also an adventure travel writer and photographer, award winning blogger, and CEO of UpThink an agency that helps travel companies develop their blogging and social media marketing strategies and work with travel bloggers.  Matt regularly gives seminars and moderates panels about blogging, social media, and inbound marketing for organizations such as ITB Berlin, ITB Asia, Arabian Travel Mart, HSMAI, and others. UpThink as been featured by publications like Business Insider and Yahoo and Matt's writings on blogging and social media marketing have been published by the Adventure Travel Trade Association, Arabian Travel Market, and the Singapore Straits Times. Matt's travel writing and photography have been seen in publications such as AFAR, En Voyage, Action Asia, and The Huffington Post, and many more.
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