FAR Travel
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Wiek kierowcy
Wiek kierowcy: 30 - 65
Mój kraj to
Mój kraj to: Islandia
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Zweryfikowane opinie klientów
Przeczytaj recenzje z pierwszej ręki opublikowane przez podróżnych z całego świata
Ken K. Yu
Although it was pricey, it was very convenient and easy. Need to rent a car for one day and needed to pick up very early. We were staying in an apartment near the center of town and couldn’t get to the airport. This service provided drop off service and pickup at out apartment. Since it was a Tesla, I was able open and activate the car with my phone. Everything was done remotely. Highly recommend, but not lowest price option.
Ken K. Yu
Although it was pricey, it was very convenient and easy. Need to rent a car for one day and needed to pick up very early. We were staying in an apartment near the center of town and couldn’t get to the airport. This service provided drop off service and pickup at out apartment. Since it was a Tesla, I was able open and activate the car with my phone. Everything was done remotely. Highly recommend, but not lowest price option.
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