Gwarancja najlepszej ceny
Łatwa rezerwacja i anulowanie
Gwarancja najlepszej ceny
Łatwa rezerwacja i anulowanie

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Zweryfikowane opinie klientów

Przeczytaj recenzje z pierwszej ręki opublikowane przez podróżnych z całego świata

Nicholas Stacey

Nicholas Stacey

03/06/2020, 01:04

I wasn't able to make it to Iceland due to the pandemic so didn't even use the car. Refund would be nice!

Thierry Brémont

Thierry Brémont

20/03/2020, 05:33

Entreprise sérieuse, qui nous a fourni un véhicule de qualité supérieure car celui réservé n'était plus disponible.

Leroy Fabrice

Leroy Fabrice

08/03/2020, 11:33

Très bonne voiture mais reste trop juste pour passer les routes enneigées lorsque la hauteur atteint un certain seuil. Seuls les très gros véhicules 4*4 peuvent passer.

Hakan ÇAY

Hakan ÇAY

18/02/2020, 10:26

According to my reservation i didn't get jeep renegade on first day. Car company said that because of storm they couldn't have the car. They gave small car for a one day and give free wifi for an apologize and give promise for renegade on a second day. But on the second day they still didn't have renegade but they offer free upgrade for jeep cherokee and we accepted it. Car rental company worker are very helpful and pleasant. We are satisfy for the renting service.

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