622 recenzje
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Icerental 4x4

Icerental 4x4 is an innovative company for car rental in Iceland, specializing exclusively in 4x4 vehicles. We are committed to o
Icerental 4x4 is an innovative company for car rental in Iceland, specializing e
Rent the perfect car

Wybierz lokalizacje

Szczegóły dotyczące odbioru

Wybierz daty


Wiek kierowcy

30 - 65

Wiek kierowcy: 30 - 65

Mój kraj to

Mój kraj to: Islandia

Wybierz czas

Godzina odbioru

Godzina zwrotu

622 recenzje
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Największa islandzka platforma turystyczna
Gwarancja najlepszej ceny
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Najpopularniejsza strona o Islandii

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Nagroda Tripadvisor Travelers' Choice Awards 2024

„Dzięki Guide to Iceland moje wakacje były niezapomnianą przygodą, podczas której towarzyszyli mi doświadczeni i przyjaźni specjaliści. Wszystko przebiegło idealnie i przekroczyło moje oczekiwania!”


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Kirstin deWeber

Kirstin deWeber

Było niesamowicie!
07/10/2024, 00:56

We had some interesting experiences with this company, so I wouldn't recommend them, but they weren't all that bad in the end. They were the best price and so we snagged the booking what we could a few months before the event. They did inform us when things changed a bit with the booking. Unlike all of the other car rental agencies out there, we couldn't find theirs when we got our baggage at the airport. We had to get help from the help desk to figure out how to get a hold of these people, which entailed finding someone who was holding a cardboard sign and then waiting 15 minutes with her until all the other passengers were there. Once we had all groups together, she told us that only *one* person from each group was able to come with her, splitting each group up without any prior knowledge. Some of the people in my party had phones with data, and some of us did not. I was given a phone that had data but unfortunately it wasn't working in that range of the country so I had no way to get my way back to the airport to pick up my friends once I had my car, which was extremely stressful. Thankfully I was able to follow someone back and try to remember the route as best I could. We had no issues with our vehicle itself besides it being dirty on the outside; the windows were so dirty my friend couldn't see out of it to admire views as we drove the country. We had to roll the windows down. It also makes it harder to tell if things are damaged or if it's just a caked later of dirt they didn't wash off the sides. The best cleanliness they could muster was spraying down the floormats, which were still wet and had water inside the crevices when I took the vehicle. It didn't come freshly washed and ready, which I really would have preferred. The last thing to comment was the $2500 "charge hold" on my credit card for almost a week after getting the car back to them. Seriously?? That's an insane amount. We rented cars in Ireland and Scotland and didn't have that type of hold on our account. Those three things make me dislike my experience a lot. Aside from those though, things went smooth and fine enough. I just wouldn't use them again if I come back.

retro 202

retro 202

Było niesamowicie!
23/09/2024, 04:11

Bardzo mila i fachowa obsluga. Caly proces odbioru, przekazania jak i odbioru auta przebiegl bez zadnego problemu. Pelen profesjonalizm. Na pewno kolejnym razem skorzystam z uslug tej wypozyczalni.

Robert Ding

Robert Ding

Było niesamowicie!
12/09/2024, 15:14

Very competitive price. convenient pick-up and drop off. You will have a smooth process to start and end your wonderful Iceland trip.

Anika Van Eaton

Anika Van Eaton

Było niesamowicie!
02/04/2024, 22:25

My car rental at Iceland 4x4 that I made through Guide to Iceland was great! The Guide to Iceland staff were really responsive and timely whenever I had a question. Thanks for being so helpful!

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