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BusTravel Iceland

Bustravel Iceland is a leading day tour company in Iceland. The company offers daily guided day tours from Reykjavik to the most
Bustravel Iceland is a leading day tour company in Iceland. The company offers
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691 recenzji
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691 recenzji
Gwarancja najlepszej ceny
Łatwa rezerwacja i anulowanie

Dostępne wycieczki: 9

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wei jiayi

wei jiayi

23/06/2024, 21:11




21/06/2024, 21:07

We are travelers from Taiwan, visiting Iceland for the first time. Although June is supposed to be summer, we encountered terrible weather. However, the warmth of the Icelandic people has more than made up for it. On June 20th, we joined the "Epic South Coast Day Tour from Reykjavik to Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon" and were amazed by the breathtaking natural scenery, the likes of which we had never seen in Taiwan. We especially want to mention our guide, Janna. Hope we didn't spell the name wrong. I've never seen a tour guide so dedicated. She was enthusiastic and energetic throughout the trip, sharing detailed information about Iceland's landscapes with everyone in the group. Even after a full day, she chose to continue teaching us about Iceland's culture and history on the ride back, instead of taking a well-deserved rest. We were truly touched to have met Janna. Thanks to her, our trip was more than just sightseeing; it gave us a deeper understanding of Iceland. Also, we want to thank our bus driver for safely bringing us back to the hotel.

Tracy Patrick

Tracy Patrick

18/06/2024, 21:56

Amazing trip! We covered a lot of ground. Our guide was informative, helpful and kind. The views were beautiful.

Melis Pahali

Melis Pahali

18/06/2024, 04:25

Destinations visited and the road itself present very beautiful landscape. Tour guide Joanna is a nice person, good leader. About the execution of the planned program, she manages the process very well. She is friendly, supportive (encouraging), she has a broad knowledge about the region and the related history. Also the bus driver Arthur is a nice and friendly person. His bus is clear and comfortable. Thanks to them for everything. They enrich the program itself and the tour company.

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