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Landscape Photography Iceland

We specialise in photography tours and workshops and have been operating since 2013. Páll Jökull, the photo guide is the owner of
We specialise in photography tours and workshops and have been operating since 2
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Agnieszka Gomoluch

Agnieszka Gomoluch

23/01/2020, 06:09

The tour was really amazing! The guide & landscape photographer Pall drove with me around to find the best location for catching the northern lights! Even I didn’t see the lights with my own eyes, it was a great trip. Pall showed me how to set up the camera & what’s important when you are taking pictures of the northern lights. Also, I would never find the locations by my own. Don’t forget, it’s dark, you don’t know the country and the weather! I can truly recommend the tour. Thank you Pall for this amazing experience.

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