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Przewodnik turystyczny — Blönduós

289 Verified reviews
Rzeki, Wyspy, Atrakcje kulturalne, Obserwacja ptaków, Miasta i wsie
183 km²
Szczyt sezonu
Przyjazny rodzinom
Gęstość zaludnienia
Średnia ocena
Liczba recenzji

Blönduós is the largest urban area of Húnaflói bay in northwest Iceland.

It has a population of around 880 people. It is a service centre for the local area and a common stop for travellers of the Ring Road.

Economy, accommodation and services

Blönduós’s main economy is acting as a serving centre, particularly for dairy products, as well as fishing, light industry and tourism. A creamery and a butchery are both operated at Blönduós, as well as a hospital and a health service.

The town has a hotel and a guesthouse, as well as summerhouses and a camping area and offers general commerce and services.

Attractions and activities

Birdwatching is popular in the area, as well as horse riding tours. The nearby lakes and rivers are some of the best in the country for fishing trout and salmon.

Among these is the river Blandá, one of Iceland's longest rivers. In it is the beautiful island Hrútey, rich with vegetation and is a habitat for many bird species, such as geese.

The Yndisgarður is a nice park with a variety of beautiful plants. A small golf course is also located in the town. The town is further a good set off point when travelling in Húnaflói bay.

You might also want to check out the handicraft museum, the Sea Ice Exhibition Centre and the textile museum, the only one of its kind in Iceland. The local church, also called 'the new church', has interesting architecture, inspired by nature and made to resemble a volcanic crater.

The older church, built in 1894 is particularly notable for its beauty, built in Romanesque style from metre thick granite blocks. The ceiling is painted with a thousand stars and the church has a thousand small window panes. The altarpiece was made by Jóhannes S. Kjarval, one of Iceland's foremost painters.


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