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Przewodnik turystyczny — Falljökull

145 Verified reviews
Lodowce, Góry, Rzeki, Kaniony
Miejsce docelowe
Skatafell, Iceland
Eastern Region, Iceland
Szczyt sezonu
Przyjazny rodzinom
Średnia ocena
Liczba recenzji

Falljokull ('Falling Glacier') is an outlet glacier from the Vatnajokull icecap. 

Explore this region on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Hiking on Falljokull means experiencing a dramatically carved landscape, impressive and ever-changing ice formations, and getting a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains and crevasses. The massive icefall, from which Falljokull derives its name, ice crashing down the mountain towards the ocean, is a truly awe-inspiring sight that should not be missed. A small brook, Fallsjokulskvisl falls from the glacier, and close to it are two canyons, Graenafjallsgljufur and Storalekjargljufur, also well worth checking out.


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