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Przewodnik turystyczny — Gjástykki

457 Zweryfikowane opinie
Pola lawowe, Doliny, Dryf kontynentalny, Obszary geotermalne
Miejsce docelowe
Jökulsárgljúfur, Iceland
Odległość od centrum
35.1 km
Przyjazny rodzinom
Średnia ocena
Liczba recenzji

The Krafla area boasts many incredible valleys.

Gjastykki is a beautiful and rugged rift valley to the north of the caldera Krafla, in the North of Iceland.

Gjastykki was literally blown apart by the eruption of Krafla during the years 1975-1984. Two of the three areas that were active during that time are still warm.

The area is covered with multicoloured slag from the Krafla eruption and bears stark witness to the movement of the tectonic plates.    

The best way to visit this area is on a relaxed self drive tour. One of the best options for doing so is this 7-day Arctic Coast Way self drive, available in the summer months.

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