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Przewodnik turystyczny — Grenivík

189 Verified reviews
Góry, Fiordy, Atrakcje kulturalne, Plaża, Miasta i wsie
Średnia temperatura
-6°C - -1°C
Przyjazny rodzinom
Średnia ocena
Liczba recenzji

Puffins can be found around Iceland, including by Grenivik.

Grenivik is a fishing village of about 300 people in the fjord Eyjafjordur in North Iceland. It has many attractions nearby and is near to some of the most popular hiking trails in the country. The 1173 mountain Kaldbakur rises over the town, lending a distinct feature to the area.

Explore this area while on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Grenivik's main economy is fishing, and it also runs a pharmaceutical company. Of nearby attractions, the Latrastrond shore and the series of fjords collectively known as the 'Fjordur' are highly recommended. A remote district, inhabited until the middle of the 20th century, the Fjordur are a real paradise for the hiker.

Not far from Grenivik, at Laufas, there is a unique turf farmhouse, built in the 19th century and a prime example of the old architecture. It functions as a folk museum, bearing great witness to the old ways of farm living. Laufas also has a beautiful church built in 1865.

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