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Przewodnik turystyczny — Husey

Przyjazny rodzinom

Húsey is a farm in east Iceland, renowned for its picturesque nature, abundant wildlife and hiking opportunities.

Visiting Husey

Húsey is located just inland from Héraðsflói, one of the bays of the spectacular East Fjords. The area is very remote; other than the farmstead itself, there is just a hostel which runs horseback riding tours.

The main reason guests come to Húsey, aside from their chance to ride a horse in east Iceland, is to enjoy one of its two hikes. One of these is six kilometres long, the other 14, and both head along the river Jökulsá to the nearby ocean for some incredible wildlife watching opportunities.

The coastline here is renowned for its abundance of seals, which can be seen bobbing offshore or hauling out on the rocks and sands. There are also a wealth of birds to be found, such as skuas and red-throated divers; unlike in many other places Iceland, both freshwater and saltwater species frequent the area.

The natural beauty of these hikes does not just from the landscapes around the coastline, but also the surrounding moors of black sand, the surprisingly vibrant fora, and panoramas of the region’s dramatic mountains.

Reaching Husey

Húsey, like many of the settlements in east Iceland, is far-flung in the wilderness. Even so, it can be reached in just over half an hour from the Capital of the East Fjords, Egilsstaðir. Drive north on Route 1, the Ring Road that encircles Iceland, before turning right onto Route 925. Continue onto Route 926, and you will find Húsey on the side of the road.

Though it is usually possible to reach the farm throughout the year, snowfall may periodically block the roads in the winter.

Egilsstaðir is most often reached by those travelling the Ring Road around Iceland. It is also possible to visit by taking a flight from Reykjavík Domestic Airport.


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