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Przewodnik turystyczny — Surtsey

112 recenzji Google
Wyspy, Obserwacja ptaków, Rezerwaty przyrody
Odległość od centrum
22.6 km
Przyjazny rodzinie
1.4 km²
155 m
Średnia ocena
Liczba recenzji


Surtsey is a volcanic island, part of the Westman Islands and formed by an underwater volcanic eruption in 1963. 

Explore a wide range of tours of the Westman Islands.

Surtsey was declared a nature reserve in 1965 and in 2008 UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site. It is considered a classic site for the study of biological colonisation. Only a few scientists are allowed on the island but one can view it from the air. Around 90 bird species nest on the island.

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