Charles Bradley promoting love :)

Secret Solstice 2015

Проверенный местный житель

Charles Bradley emotional in the crowd at Secret Solstice

Yesterday was the last day of Secret Solstice festival - and by far the best day!

Secret Solstice 2015 was held in Laugardalur (Pool valley) in Reykjavík from 19th to 21st of June, starting at noon Friday and finishing just after midnight last night (Sunday).

Friday started slowly, when I arrived at 4pm to watch Zero7 DJ set there were just a few hundred people there and the area felt a little empty. As the day went by (and people finished work, or stopped celebrating 100 years of women voting day which was on the same day), the area gradually got filled with people and by the time Gus Gus (IS) was playing in the evening it finally felt packed. A shame really that there weren't that many people that saw Anoushka (UK) but still quite a crowd that saw Hjálmar (IS) - both excellent gigs. The night finished off with a milkshake when Kelis (US) took to the main stage and got a big crowd to dance.

I missed out on Saturday completely since there were graduations taking place all over town (University of Iceland, University of Reykjavík and the University of the Arts were all holding graduations) - and I'd rather go to my friends graduation parties, meaning I missed out on the Secret Headliner that turned out to be Busta Rhymes (I already found out he was playing beforehand, maybe I would've changed my plans if it would've been David Bowie or Prince - but I've seen Busta Rhymes before - as well as many of the other bands performing - so I didn't feel bad about giving it a miss).

Sunday was the best day though. First of all, the sun was shining brightly (perhaps too brightly as I got pretty sunburned - YES, that happens in ICEland!). Secondly, the sexiest performer that has ever graced Iceland with his presence took to the stage at 4pm, one Charles Bradley (US). If you are not familiar with Charles Bradley, and you like soul and sexy time, look him up! He was so good that I'm only posting pictures from his gig (also since I didn't bring a camera, so these pictures are the courtesy of a friend, Anaïs Barthe).

Charles Bradley promoting love :)

Following the soul we got some reggae, when the Wailers (JM) took to the stage. Then it was time for MØ (DK), followed by FKA Twigs (UK) and the headlining act Wu Tang Clan (US). All in glorious sunshine.

My personal favourites were actually not Wu Tang (I'm sure some people disagree - but I'm not a massive Wu Tang fan) but everyone else was great, The Wailers were great for bobbing around and a sing-a-long, MØ was fantastic and energetic and the singer in FKA Twigs had a great performance with fantastic moves.

All in all, a fun festival, made better with sunshine. If all 3 days would've been as packed and as sunny and with as great of a line-up as Sunday, this festival should not be missed. Unfortunately the weather can't be guaranteed - but I look forward to seeing next year's line-up - and judging by how many foreigners were in the festival, it's probably only going to grow bigger next year!

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