People having fun at Slut Walk 2014 in Reykjavík

Slut walk in Reykjavík

Проверенный местный житель

Slut Walk in Reykjavík 2014

Reykjavík's Slut Walk is happening for the fifth time in 2015. It's taking place on the 25th of July and starts at 2pm in front of Hallgrímskirkja church.

The goal of the Slut Walk is to stop slut-shaming victims of sexual abuse and putting the shame onto the violators instead of the victims. Asking a victim of sexual abuse 'what they were wearing' has nothing to do with the crime - the action was taken by the violator and a person's outfit has nothing to do with them being raped. People should have the freedom to wear what they want - without fear of being sexually molested.

The Slut Walk in Reykjavík has been growing every year since it started - and this year the organisers of the event are hoping to get around 20 000 people taking part. You can check out their Slut Walk Facebook event page here and Slut Walk's official Facebook page here.

The advertising posters this year can be found all over the city and show a cross section of the Icelandic society. Here's one of Reykjavík's mayor, Dagur B. Eggertsson.

Reykjavík's mayor, slut Dagur B. Eggertsson

Feel free to join the Slut Walk and wear whatever you want and bring whoever you want. The walk will start at Hallgrímskirkja church (that big one in the centre of Reykjavík) and go down Skólavörðustígur (the street in front of it), down to Austurvöllur in front of the parliament where there will be bands playing, speeches and celebrations.

If you want to follow the Slut Walk on Twitter then you can do so on #druslugangan and #égerdrusla

You can also attend a pep-party for the Slut Walk at Húrra on the 22nd of July, where there will be music and Slut Walk merchandise will be sold from 8pm.

People having fun at Slut Walk 2014 in Reykjavík

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