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Troll Expeditions

Ever wish that you had a friend in every country to show you the secret spots, share the inside stories and venture off-the-beaten
Ever wish that you had a friend in every country to show you the secret spots, s
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«Благодаря Guide to Iceland у меня состоялось незабываемое приключение с опытными и дружелюбными специалистами. Все было идеально и даже лучше!»


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Erinn Parker

Erinn Parker

26/03/2025, 21:46

This was a phenomenal trip! The first few stops were nice and easy- the waterfalls were easy walks and so was the beach. The glacier hike was a beast! So worth it but very tough.

Kristine Durkay

Kristine Durkay

26/03/2025, 15:20

The ice cave trip was the best thing we did in Iceland. There were six of us ranging in age from 10 to 75 and we all enjoyed it. Our guide, Peda, was an excellent driver who was full of information. He had a wonderful personality, kept us safe, and was very knowledgeable. He clearly enjoys his job and that enthusiasm was contagious.

Ellen Leone

Ellen Leone

25/03/2025, 16:32

Our tour guide Stefan brought us on an incredible journey through his home country. Every detail seemed meticulously planned out, and when extra time was in our favor, he even brought us to some extra stops along the way. Stephan had stories and tales to tell of every waterfall, glacier, volcano, fjord, aurora, cave, Icelandic horse, and hot spring. Those of us who were brave enough, even took the opportunity for an exhilarating cold plunge! Stephan truly has a gift as a tour guide. Our accommodations were superb, and although the winter weather conditions were out of our control, our experience was beyond our expectations.

清川 杏奈

清川 杏奈

25/03/2025, 09:09

自分がいきたい、やりたいことが全てつまったツアーでした。見どころ、アクティビティ満載ですが。早朝集合などは無く7:00朝食、9:00チェックアウトのスケジュールでよく丁寧に組まれたスケジュールでした。宿泊した2日間いずれも宿泊地からオーロラを見ることもできて感動しました。 ガイドのブラニミールさんはガイドと運転をするのみならず、本当に私たちを楽しませることを考えて天気を見ながら絶妙に行き先を組み直してくれたり、トラブルにも丁寧に対応してくれて、ガイドのみならずチームリーダーのように私たちをまとめあげてくれました。 3月のアイスランドの寒さには少し不安もありましたが、雪はまだあるものの寒すぎず、日本の冬の服装ですごせて、オーロラも堪能しやすかったです。 食事もおいしかったです。 次は夏に行きたいです。

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