Lækjargata Rejseguide
Laekjargata is a street in central Reykjavik. The street has some of Reykjavik's oldest houses and features several cafés, restaurants shops and stores.
Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Christian Bickel. No edits made.
Visit this central street on a tour of Reykjavik.
The name of the street is derived from an open spring that used to flow alongside the street, from the pond to the sea. A tourist information centre is by Laekjartorg square, as is the District Court. Across the street is the House of Government, a prison in former times. Reykjavik Art Festival has its headquarters at Laekjargata.
Menntaskolinn i Reykjavik is in the street, the oldest education institution in the country that is still in function. It was built in 1845 and traces its roots to Skalholtsskoli in the 11th century. Many famous Icelanders went to this school and it was the location for the national parliament from 1845-81.
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