Helga Hausner
Certificeret rejseblogger
I am German and have lived in Ísafjörður for years. The greatest thing is to show other people what you like. I am a group leader and tourist guide with heart and soul. My two businesses are: Ísafjörður Guide. Ísafjörður Guide offers short interesting Walks through the historic village Ísafjörður. My walks are: Ísafjörður Walk, Plants, Geology, Elves, trolls and stories, Culinary Explorations and Please Taste. My company emphasises honesty and having well-trained and dedicated Guides. All the culture, nature, and geology walking tours I developed myself. Because I love what I do, I choose to guide many of the walks myself. I also offer special tours. My website: www.isafjordurguide.is
Mine blogs
Helgas Zaubergarten
Seit 2011 biete ich in meinem Wohnort und naher Umgebung Ísafjördur Spaziergänge zu Geschichte, Flora, Fauna und Geologie an. Außerdem erzähle ich viele Sagen und Geschichten. Das, was mein Unternehmen so besonders macht ist, dass es unser Ziel ist unseren Gästen ein einmaliges Erlebnis hier bei uns ermöglichen. Deshalb sind unsere Gruppen auch nur sehr klein (2 bis 10 Leute).Im Herbst besuchte mich ein ausgesprochen herzliches Journalisten-Paar. Vier Stunden habe ich ihnen von meiner Arbeit und meinem Leben hier erzählt. Und jetzt wurde ein umwerfend netter Artikel über mich und damit mein Un
The Guide welcomes you dressed as a woman from the 19th century
The charismatic guides from Ísafjörður Guide lead tourists from all over the world through the streets and history of Ísafjörður. On both the Ísafjörður Walk and the Elves, Trolls and Stories walk, the guide is dressed up as a woman from the 19th century as she takes the group through the town and its history. The small town of Ísafjörður is unique in Iceland. Its unusually well-preserved town centre dates from the 19th century and still reflects the charming history that remains alive in the legends and stories. Ísafjörður is known today for its multi-cultural vibe and artistic diversity.
ISlandfrauen - a new business in the Icelandic Westfjords
For women who want it all: take a vacation, get to know country and people and self-awareness Treat yourself to a break on Iceland - learn to know the country, its nature, people and culture, go on holiday and do something for yourself - these are the workshops of ISlandfrauen! Iceland fascinated! Who is at a turning point in life or profession simply takes time to reorient themselves. This includes pause, "let your soul" and new impressions soak up. The silence and widenesss of the unique landscape of Iceland is a perfect basis for that. However, although our workshop trips have different
Mine blogs
Helgas Zaubergarten
Seit 2011 biete ich in meinem Wohnort und naher Umgebung Ísafjördur Spaziergänge zu Geschichte, Flora, Fauna und Geologie an. Außerdem erzähle ich viele Sagen und Geschichten. Das, was mein Unternehmen so besonders macht ist, dass es unser Ziel ist unseren Gästen ein einmaliges Erlebnis hier bei uns ermöglichen. Deshalb sind unsere Gruppen auch nur sehr klein (2 bis 10 Leute).Im Herbst besuchte mich ein ausgesprochen herzliches Journalisten-Paar. Vier Stunden habe ich ihnen von meiner Arbeit und meinem Leben hier erzählt. Und jetzt wurde ein umwerfend netter Artikel über mich und damit mein Un
The Guide welcomes you dressed as a woman from the 19th century
The charismatic guides from Ísafjörður Guide lead tourists from all over the world through the streets and history of Ísafjörður. On both the Ísafjörður Walk and the Elves, Trolls and Stories walk, the guide is dressed up as a woman from the 19th century as she takes the group through the town and its history. The small town of Ísafjörður is unique in Iceland. Its unusually well-preserved town centre dates from the 19th century and still reflects the charming history that remains alive in the legends and stories. Ísafjörður is known today for its multi-cultural vibe and artistic diversity.
ISlandfrauen - a new business in the Icelandic Westfjords
For women who want it all: take a vacation, get to know country and people and self-awareness Treat yourself to a break on Iceland - learn to know the country, its nature, people and culture, go on holiday and do something for yourself - these are the workshops of ISlandfrauen! Iceland fascinated! Who is at a turning point in life or profession simply takes time to reorient themselves. This includes pause, "let your soul" and new impressions soak up. The silence and widenesss of the unique landscape of Iceland is a perfect basis for that. However, although our workshop trips have different
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