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Matkaopas: Eyjafjörður

579 Verified reviews
Vesiputoukset, Vuoret, Laaksot, Joet, Vuonot, Saaret, Kulttuurinähtävyydet, Kanjonit, Rannat, Lintubongaus, Järvet, Metsät, Kylät
Etäisyys keskustasta
10.2 km
Keskimääräinen arvosana
Arvostelujen lukumäärä

Puffins are residents of Eyjafjordur from May to September.

Eyjafjörður is a fjord in North Iceland, over 70 kilometres (47 miles) in length from the mouth to the bottom of the fjord.

Explore the North of Iceland on a tour of Myvatn or a trip from Akureyri.

Features of Eyjafjörður

There are high mountains on both sides, the highest being Kerling at 1538 metres (5046 feet).

The capital of the North, Akureyri (ca. 18,000 inhabitants), lies at the bottom of the fjord. There is a wealth of culture in the town, with many museums, galleries, and the world’s northernmost botanical gardens.

Five smaller fishing villages scatter the shores, and there are many farms inland. Agriculture, fisheries and tourism are the driving industries of the fjord’s economy.

Wildlife in Eyjafjörður

Eyjafjörður has a wealth of wildlife due to its fertile waters. As such, it is one of the best places in the country for whale watching and puffin watching.

Throughout summer, whale-watching tour operators often boast one hundred percent sightseeing rates. The most common species are Humpbacks, White Beaked Dolphins and Harbour Porpoises, but Orcas, Blue and Fin Whales are often spotted too.

Puffins nest on the islands of Eyjafjörður throughout the summer months, and many boat tours go out to see them shuffling on the rocks, flying overhead and fishing in the waters.

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