Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North Iceland

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North Iceland

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Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Hidden away in a private backyard in Akureyri town, the capital city of North Iceland, I found extraordinary colourful sculptures of fairytale figures.

I got permission from the folk artist Hreinn Halldórsson to show them to you here in my travel-blog on Guide to Iceland.

Top photo: the Fairytale garden

Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Pippi Longstocking

I didn't know about this wonderful fairytale garden, but while we were staying at Mývatn for a couple of days back in 2019, my husband had listened to the news, where the garden was featured.

So while returning home the next day he wanted to surprise me and drove into a residential area in Akureyri and told me to look into all the gardens...Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

The artist Hreinn with Gulli gosi

I didn't know what I was looking for but was in awe when I spotted all the colourful statues in the garden, where the folk artist Hreinn has created a private gallery haven in his backyard at Oddeyrargata 17 Street.

We had shown up unannounced, but Hreinn was in his garden working and invited us in and showed us around, and took the time to tell us about each and every statue.Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Sleeping Beauty and the Prince 

On my second visit to the garden in 2023, Hreinn had just opened the garden to visitors and put up new beautiful additions and signs by every statue.

Here you will find statues from several fairy tales, f.ex. the Grimms' fairy tales and I saw Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Ridinghood and several others.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandGeppetto and Pinocchio

In my photo above you will see Pinocchio and Geppetto. The cat Figaro is beside them, but he escaped from my photo ;)

The Swedish Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking sat up in a tree with her monkey. And the mischievous Emil by the same author sat on the roof.

Then we saw figures from Icelandic fairytales, and the Icelandic Dimmalimm by Muggur sat by the pond.

And Sigríður and Indriði from the popular Icelandic book Piltur og stúlka.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandThe Sisters at Stapi are wearing old Icelandic costumes

During my last visit, I saw the 5 Sisters at Stapi who are inside the garden shed.

They are all wearing old Icelandic costumes, i.e. Hreinn's take on the Icelandic costumes, which is lovely.

And Prince Charming and Cinderella in my photo below I hadn't seen before. They are both carrying fabulous shoes :)

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandCinderella and Prince Charming - love the shoes

Hreinn "lets the statues out of his basement", as it were, in the Spring and bolts them down so they don't budge, and it can be quite a task to move them.

But Hreinn, who has lived in Akureyri for 17 years now, has had these delightful statues on display both at the annual Hrafnagilshátíð festival and at Amtsbókasafnið - the Municipal Library close to his home, and more places.Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

There are more than 30 colourful statues now in his backyard. And Hreinn regularly repaints them and adds more accessories, so they change in appearance.

Kids love visiting this colourful garden and Hreinn has invited around 250 kids from kindergartens for a visit. And more are asking to come for a visit.

And as this is not an official gallery he allows them to touch the statues and sit on them.

Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Álfrún the elf-lady and the wishing stone

Once he was a bit uneasy though when 3 boys sat on the back of the big bad wolf in the Grimms' fairytale Little Red Riding Hood ;)

Hreinn told me that he welcomes visitors, who want to have a look at his work. Be on the lookout for the elf-lady Álfrún with her old doll carriage. In the carriage, you will find a  wishing stone.

You can touch the wishing stone with your closed eyes and make a wish. 

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandThe Wishing stone

I was so lucky that the sun was shining on both occasions when I visited the fairytale garden (in 2019 and 2023) which made the colours of these lovely statues even more vivid and cheerful :)

If you look closely at the statues you will see all kinds of recycled material; candlesticks, kitchen utensils, rope, etc.

Visitors have also come bearing gifts for Hreinn to use for his statues.Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Dimmalimm and Þórunn hyrna

Hreinn uses old Christmas ornaments, buttons, and old toys and gets leftover wood from workshops to build his wonderful statues. And he is a regular customer at the handicraft shop in Akureyri.

On the right side of the garden shed in my photo above, you will see his wife Þórunn hyrna, the settler-woman.

She is the wife of the settler of Eyjafjörður, Helgi magri. And the sister of the noted settler-woman Auður djúpúðga.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandÞórunn hyrna in 2023

Helgi magri and Þórunn hyrna used to stand side by side but had an argument, so she walked away and was found by the house.

She is now by the garden shed and Hreinn is hoping that they will reconcile soon ;)

In my photo below you will see Helgi magri, the Settler of Eyjafjörður fjord, whom you can read about in my travel-blog about Akureyri.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandHelgi magri was the settler of Eyjafjörður

On my second visit to the fairytale garden in 2023 Helgi magri and Þórunn hyrna still had not reconciled.

But Þórunn hyrna had changed her outfit and her appearance, so maybe she is ready to walk over to her husband soon :)

See if they have moved any closer to each other when you visit the fairytale garden of Hreinn.

Regína and Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

With Snow White and the 7 dwarfs

By the beautiful corrugated iron-clad house, you will find Snow White, the wicked stepmother, the prince and the 7 dwarfs, each with a special name, which Hreinn has given to them, all wonderfully colourful and cheerful.

I asked Hreinn if he sold any of his fairytale figures and he said no; he puts his heart and soul into his work and wants to keep them. I can relate to what he was saying. 

Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

Sýslumannshjónin - Hreinn's vision on old Icelandic national costumes

I have also put my heart and soul into the 300 travel-blogs about Iceland, which I have written over the past 10 years and regard them as a part of myself.

I love creating by writing these travel-blogs and I hope that my passion for Iceland shines through :) 

Hreinn told us the name of this statue below, but I cannot recall it; this boy holds a lantern to show Hreinn the way to his house when he returns back home. 

Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North-Iceland

What a lovely visit this was, thank you Hreinn, for creating such a wonderful garden, it sure brightens up the world :)

You can visit Hreinn's page on Facebook for more photos.

Hreinn works at the reception of Hotel Kea in Akureyri, but creates his statues in his spare time, always adding more and more wooden statues to his private collection.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandThe collection box for Hreinn in his garden

If you like his work, which I am sure that you will, and would like to see new additions to the fairytale garden please show your appreciation by leaving a donation for Hreinn, so that he can keep up his good work and continue inviting guests into his lovely private garden :)

And if you want to see the work of Hreinn's role model, the folk-artist Samúel Jónsson, then I have written about Arnarfjörður and the folk artist in another travel-blog.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandThe Shepheard - in honour of the folk-artist Samúel Jónsson

I have written another travel-blog about Akureyri if you want to find out more about the lovely capital of the north: Eyjafjörður Fjord - Akureyri, the Capital City of North Iceland.

There are so many things to see and do in this lovely town, including the Akureyrarkirkja church, and many interesting museums, like Nonnahús House and Akureyri Museum.

And don't miss the Akureyri Botanical Garden. And there are many good restaurants and beautiful old colourful houses.

Akureyri town North-Iceland

Akureyri town

Akureyri is located up north, some 388 km from Reykjavík the capital city of Iceland. To reach this area you can rent a car in Reykjavík and drive to Akureyri in one day.

Or take it slowly and explore Iceland on the way up to Akureyri.

Here is the location of the Fairytale garden of the Folk-artist Hreinn on Google maps.

Wonderfully Colourful Fairytale Figures in Akureyri in North IcelandPhotographing Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs in 2023

Eyjafjörður, where Akureyri is located, is one of Iceland's longest fjord, with many attractions, so I have written some 7 travel-blogs on what there is to see and do here.

Here is the first part with links to the other travel-blogs if you want to know more about this beautiful fjord.

Have a lovely time in Akureyri :)

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