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Informasjon om Buri

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Buri, in the Leitahraun lava field on the Reykjanes peninsula, is widely considered to be the most spectacular lava tube in Iceland.

Explore this area while on a self drive tour in Iceland.

This lava tube was discovered in 2005 by volcano speleologist Bjorn Hroarsson. The discovery was heralded as one of the most amazing in speleology for the last 1000 years. The size of the cave is unique in Iceland. The cave is ten meters high, 10 meters wide in its largest chambers and 1 kilometer long. Its innermost section has a 17 meter deep vertical pit, made from a lava fall, the deepest lava pit on earth. 

Once the cave has been entered you'll be inside a vast chamber with spectacular ice sculptures and formations. The ice sculptures are at their most impressive in winter but tours to the cave are available during all seasons.

After climbing the cave's ice slope, the cave continues through a rocky tunnel about 700 meters long. Thereafter the floor is relatively flat all the way to the lava pit.

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