
Bas Brand

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During summer 2016 and 2019 I visited Iceland with my wife Ditta. We traveled in our own 4x4 Toyota Hilux with camper unit. Filming above and under water is my passion, sea-life while diving, nature, travel, 4x4 driving with our Toyota Hilux with camper unit. Iceland made a very big impression and we are planning to spend more time on Iceland.In 2019 we guided a group of 8 Iceland prepared 4wd throu the Highlands tacking Froads and unmarked tracks. In 2016 I stared aerial filming with a drone, I filmed the beautiful region around my home in Holland. I started to make video clips in 2013. During time I have improved my filming and editing. I film a variety of issues underwater, on land and from the air. I try to use creative common music as much as possible.

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