A Concert for the Rebuilding of the Kulusuk Music School

A Concert for the Rebuilding of the Kulusuk Music School

Zweryfikowany mieszkaniec


A Concert for the Rebuilding of the Kulusuk Music School





Recently, the Kulusuk music school in Greenland burned down. As a part of the fundraising for its restoration, there will be a concert at Iceland's largest concert hall -Eldborg in Harpa -  on Saturday, March 23d. The concert is free but any free donations for the cause will be much appreciated. The concert starts at 14:00.

Some of the biggest names in Icelandic music have agreed to play for free in support of this good cause.

If you're not in Iceland, or for some other reason can't attend, please spread the word and support a good cause. Sharing is caring. ♥

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