Coming up: The Reykjavik Folk Festival

Coming up: The Reykjavik Folk Festival

Zweryfikowany mieszkaniec


Winter and snow may be upon us, and then some, but one can still have a cozy time for all that. One way is to cuddle under a warm rug and raise the heat to a considerable degree or you might choose to attend some of the events happening this month. Among them is the excellent Reykjavik Folk Festival, starting tonight, March 7th and lasting until Saturday, March 9th.

This annual festival is now being held for the fourth time and features 12 modern folk artists, most of them locals, the cream of the crop. These artists are Árstíðir, Benni Hemm Hemm, Magnús og Jóhann,  Ólöf Arnalds, Pétur Ben, Puzzle Muteson (UK), Elín Ey, Snorri Helgason, Valgeir Guðjónsson, Ylja, Þjóðlagasveit Höfuðborgarsvæðisins and Þokkabót. The festival will be held at the super cozy Kex Hostel. A pass to all the concerts is around 8000 krónur and for a single evening it's 3000. The only one of these bands that really plays the more old-time traditional folk is Þjóðlagasveit höfuðborgarsvæðisins, though I sadly found no video by them. If your looking for more such music in general, I'd also suggest the annual Folk Music Festival at Siglufjörður in North Iceland, which will be held on July third until July 7th.

Below are  songs by the artists, to give you a little taste. For more on the festival and the schedule, check the festival's homepage.


Benni Hemm Hemm


Magnús og Jóhann

Puzzle Muteson 

Elín Ey

Ólöf Arnalds

Pétur Ben

Snorri Helgason


Valgeir Guðjónsson


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