University Choir Concert on April 11th

University Choir Concert on April 11th

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The University Choir ('Háskólakórinn' in Icelandic), where I sing 1st bass, will have it's spring concert in Neskirkja in Reykjavík on Thursday, April 11th at 20:00. We'll be performing Icelandic choir works, among them works by our conductor, Gunnsteinn Ólafsson, Jón Leifs, and Jón Ásgeirsson along with works by Johannes Brahms and Felix Mendelssohn. Special guests will be Söngfjelagið and Helga Margrét Marzellíusardóttir.

The common ticket price is 2000 ISK, 1500 for the elderly, children and invalids.

In an earlier post I shared a few works performed by Háskólakórinn. Below are some more. Also feel free to purchase a copy of our latest CD, Álfavísur.

Háskólakórinn has a new CD in the works and we plan to be the first choir to record the piece Vítí ('Hell'!) by Jón Leifs. he lyrics are a poem by Jónas Hallgrímsson, describing a visit to the Víti explosion crater in Krafla. Fire, ash, lava... this is a really dynamic and awe-inspiring piece and I love singing it. 

The University Choir in action:



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