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Przewodnik turystyczny — Rzeka Hvítá

1377 Verified reviews
Wodospady, Rzeki, Kaniony, Formacje skalne
Odległość od centrum
44.6 km
Szczyt sezonu
Przyjazny rodzinom
Średnia ocena
Liczba recenzji

Gullfoss waterfall is the most famous feature of Hvita River, pictured in summer.

Hvíta is a glacier river in Arnessysla in South Iceland. It is one of the most popular rivers in Iceland for rafting, salmon fishing, and it is home to Iceland's most famous waterfall.

See the power of this river on a Golden Circle tour, or take a rafting tour on the river.

Gullfoss Waterfall

The river has its source in Hvítarvatn, by the roots of Langjökull. Many tributaries join it as it travels towards the ocean, making Gullfoss waterfall, which lays on its course, mightily powerful.

At 32 metres (105 feet) tall, it falls in two steps into a magnificent canyon. There are several viewing platforms around it, and a café and visitors centre a short distance away.

It can be seen in all seasons, with rainbows flying from its mists in summer and ice cladding the rocks around it in winter.

Rafting in Hvíta

Downstream from Gullfoss is the part of Hvíta that is most popular for kayaking, canoeing and rafting. These tours are open to all skill sets, even beginners.

These tours are not only exhilarating but expose guests to beautiful nature and geology.


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