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Przewodnik turystyczny — Þórufoss

397 recenzji Google
Kjósarskarðsvegur, Iceland
Godziny otwarcia
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Odległość od centrum
18.9 km
Wysoki sezon
Przyjazny rodzinie
Średnia ocena
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Þórufoss is a beautiful waterfall that is situated close to Þingvallavatn lake.

Þórufoss is an 18 m (62 ft) high waterfall found east of Lake Þingvallavatn.

The best way to visit this attraction is on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Bromr. No edits made/

The waterfall makes up part of the 25 km (16 mi) river Laxá í Kjós which renowned for its healthy population of Atlantic salmon. The waterfall is less famous than its counterparts around the country and thus is not overly signposted.

Þórufoss is known to freeze over in the winter time. The waterfall was also used as a shooting location for HBO's Game of Thrones as the home of the Children of the Forest. 

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