Reykjavík city

Iceland is the safest country in the world

Проверенный местный житель

Global Peace Index 2015

According to the Global Peace Index Iceland is the safest country in the world, for the 5th time in a row. They first started releasing the list of the most peaceful countries in 2007, when Iceland was not taken into account since some reliable data was missing, according to Wikipedia. From 2011, Iceland has been number one at the list every single year! (In 2010 it was second, 2009 it was fourth and in 2008 it was number 1).

So what makes Iceland so safe?

This big country, with a small population of roughly 325 thousand people has no army, a murder rate of 0-1,5 per year, virtually no violent crimes, very small amount of petty crimes, police officers don't carry guns and probably most importantly, people are very equal, no matter what their sex, sexual orientation or belief is!

That means that there is no 'class system', some people may be richer than others but they all live side by side and go to the same schools, Iceland is also number 1 in gender equality, the LGBT community is respected and celebrated and religious clashes are few, as most people are not very actively religious, although most people are still a part of the Lutheran State Church (around 80%).

So if it's peace, safety and equality you're looking for, Iceland is the place to go!

Reykjavík city


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