Firehjulstrækkere og SUV'er i Island
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Jens Krogh
Super god biludlejning 👍 Tog dog 5min at få nøgle ud af nøgle boks.. Dejlig bil som bare fungerede
Emil Kjær Nielsen
Honestly, i'm not happy about the whole proces. When we arrived at the airport, nobody was waiting for us. The car rental service was supposed to be at the airport, which ment we thought it was one of the car rental stands at the ariport. However, after talking with some empoyees of the airport, we were told to wait. We ended up waiting 45 minutes until a man with our car rental logo finally arrived. The man was very tired, uninterested and had a attitude of not giving a damn. When he arrived he told us that he knew we where 9 people, but he could only take 8 with him. He then made us decide whomever should stay and wait for him to come back (It was close to midnight at this point) Me and my friend were the younger ones so we gave up our spots. Then we waited another 30 minutes, until we finally got to the car rental place. This might be our own fault, but I dont believe we got a fair chance, as its barely stated on the website, and we didnt get some kind of warning. When we were supposed to get our car, they wanted a deopsit, which demanded we had a credit card and not a debit card, which is what we had. Because we couldn't make the deposit, and the guy we was talking to didn't have any intentions on trying to find someway to do it, we ended up upgrading our insurance for close to 350$!!! (half the price of the car) - which ment we dind't need to make a deposit. So we paid 350$ for not having a damn card with us? Why couldnt we just withdraw a deposit in cash, or pay the deposit by card and then receive it when we got back? I meant obviously there was something to do, but no, it's surely just a money machine. :-( The only good thing was the Mazda 2 we recieved, it was fantastic.
Emilie Røndbjerg Damsgaard
Good and spacious car. Perfect for a 8 days trip. The pick up and return of the car went super smooth. Can definitely recommend.
Dorte Vilsgaard
Bilen ny og præcis som bestilt. God og personlig kontakt ved gennemgang af bilen - afhentning i lufthavn gjorde hele starten på rejsen let. Ved aflevering også rigtig god service og aflevering ved lufthavn. Glemt genstand i bilen fik vi mail om. Største anbefaling herfra. / The car was new and exactly as ordered. Good and personal contact when reviewing the car - pick up at the airport made the entire start of the journey easy. On delivery, also very good service and drop of at the airport. We received an email about a forgotten item in the car. The best recommendations from two happy Danes.
Jens Krogh
Super god biludlejning 👍 Tog dog 5min at få nøgle ud af nøgle boks.. Dejlig bil som bare fungerede
Emil Kjær Nielsen
Honestly, i'm not happy about the whole proces. When we arrived at the airport, nobody was waiting for us. The car rental service was supposed to be at the airport, which ment we thought it was one of the car rental stands at the ariport. However, after talking with some empoyees of the airport, we were told to wait. We ended up waiting 45 minutes until a man with our car rental logo finally arrived. The man was very tired, uninterested and had a attitude of not giving a damn. When he arrived he told us that he knew we where 9 people, but he could only take 8 with him. He then made us decide whomever should stay and wait for him to come back (It was close to midnight at this point) Me and my friend were the younger ones so we gave up our spots. Then we waited another 30 minutes, until we finally got to the car rental place. This might be our own fault, but I dont believe we got a fair chance, as its barely stated on the website, and we didnt get some kind of warning. When we were supposed to get our car, they wanted a deopsit, which demanded we had a credit card and not a debit card, which is what we had. Because we couldn't make the deposit, and the guy we was talking to didn't have any intentions on trying to find someway to do it, we ended up upgrading our insurance for close to 350$!!! (half the price of the car) - which ment we dind't need to make a deposit. So we paid 350$ for not having a damn card with us? Why couldnt we just withdraw a deposit in cash, or pay the deposit by card and then receive it when we got back? I meant obviously there was something to do, but no, it's surely just a money machine. :-( The only good thing was the Mazda 2 we recieved, it was fantastic.
Emilie Røndbjerg Damsgaard
Good and spacious car. Perfect for a 8 days trip. The pick up and return of the car went super smooth. Can definitely recommend.
Dorte Vilsgaard
Bilen ny og præcis som bestilt. God og personlig kontakt ved gennemgang af bilen - afhentning i lufthavn gjorde hele starten på rejsen let. Ved aflevering også rigtig god service og aflevering ved lufthavn. Glemt genstand i bilen fik vi mail om. Største anbefaling herfra. / The car was new and exactly as ordered. Good and personal contact when reviewing the car - pick up at the airport made the entire start of the journey easy. On delivery, also very good service and drop of at the airport. We received an email about a forgotten item in the car. The best recommendations from two happy Danes.
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