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Vök Baths – Hot water springs at lake Urriðavatn. Plunge into Iceland’s purest hot spring water, bath in floating pools out on the lake Vök Baths is a new destination opening in summer 2019 by lake Urriðavatn, just northwest from Egilsstaðir, in Eastern Iceland. It will feature the first floating pools in Iceland.

Located in Eastern Iceland, still one of the most untouched places on the island, Vök Baths will offer a new bathing experience and the perfect stop for travellers to rest and rejuvenate by the crystal clear waters of Urriðavatn lake along their journeys.

The 75-degrees warm water streams from hot springs deep under the lake. Years ago, during the long arctic winters, the locals noticed that the lake ice always melted in the same place. The name, Vök, is the Icelandic word for these melted ice holes.

At Vök Baths, the spring water will be directed to a series floating pools on the lake, as well as hot pools on the lakeshore. Vök Baths will also feature cold tunnels and a sauna on the lake shores, and a cafe serving local cuisine made from organic ingredients sourced from nearby producers. Tisanes will be brewed from the pure spring water, the only certified drinkable hot spring water in Iceland.

A collaboration between the Reykjavik-based Basalt Architects and Design Group Italia, the architecture and design of Vök Baths will celebrate and respect the pure water of Urriðavatn lake, the surrounding nature and the age-old Icelandic bathing traditions. The building fits seamlessly with its surroundings, allowing the guests to immerse in the nature. The high point of the experience are the floating pools, allowing for a soak in the hot water, within and surrounded by the lake.



Una valoración media de los clientes de 5.0 ranks Vök Baths de un excelente operador.
Sello de calidad 5 reseñas
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Vök Baths

Valoración media 5.0

5 reseñas de viajeros

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Vök Baths se encuentra aquí

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