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4 Humpback Breaching .jpg

Elding Adventure at Sea

Elding specialises in adventures at sea and related activities all year round. The family-owned company was the first to offer wh
Elding specialises in adventures at sea and related activities all year round.
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1 voyageur
254 avis
Excellente entreprise
Excellente entreprise
254 avis
Meilleurs prix garantis
Réservation et annulation faciles

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Gopal Bhagavatula

Gopal Bhagavatula

15/03/2024, 14:27

A great tour hitting some highlights in the 3 days we had. Special mention to Siggi from Troll Adventures who was knowledgeable and funny throughout.

Andy Turner

Andy Turner

16/01/2024, 08:07

Been to a great fireworks display? No you haven't! Not really sure how to describe what you see in Reykjavik on New Years Eve but this is not a 15 minute display of lights and sound it goes on for hours quite literally. Building up to a midnight crescendo The best place to see it, is on a boat in the bay with an open bar snacks and friends. An amazing experience that will never be forgotten.

Joshua Ingram

Joshua Ingram

12/11/2023, 20:50

Incredible! Saw exactly what we came for!

Susanne AE

Susanne AE

05/11/2023, 11:12

Great service from customer support. A beautiful trip! We saw whales and dolphins.

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