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During summer 2016 and 2019 I visited Iceland with my wife Ditta. We traveled in our own 4x4 Toyota Hilux with camper unit. Filming above and under water is my passion, sea-life while diving, nature, travel, 4x4 driving with our Toyota Hilux with camper unit. Iceland made a very big impression and we are planning to spend more time on Iceland.In 2019 we guided a group of 8 Iceland prepared 4wd throu the Highlands tacking Froads and unmarked tracks. In 2016 I stared aerial filming with a drone, I filmed the beautiful region around my home in Holland. I started to make video clips in 2013. During time I have improved my filming and editing. I film a variety of issues underwater, on land and from the air. I try to use creative common music as much as possible.

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Day 11 of 3 week Iceland trip Þingvellir to Geysir

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 11 in Iceland From Þingvellir to Geysir (81 km) From Holland I had arranged to go diving at Silfra. I had searched on Internet and found that the big diving centres wanted to get paid in advance and that they were not flexible about the date. I had found Magadiving a small dive organisation that had a much client friendlier approach. David Ramey,  also local guide for “Guide to Iceland”  , was our dive guide. During our trip I had kept in touch via email and we had been able to fix the date that suited both.   Here you can dive in

Day 10 of 3 week Iceland trip

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 10 in Iceland From Borgarnes to 177 km). Today we were going to visit some famous sites. First we drove to Reykholt, well known because of Snorri Sturluson, writer, politician and judge. There was a beautiful little chapel. In 2001 it had been restored. We had lunch on the riverbanks of Reykjadalsá. We continued to Surtshellir, some old lava tunnels that stretch out for miles. It is advised to have a torch per person and a helmet, or at least a cap, to give some protection against falling rocks. I went in with an Icelandic Mrs,

Day 9 of 3 week Iceland trip

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 9 in Iceland From Bjarkalundur to Borgarnes (327km). For me it was obvious, just drive and do the extra mileage and make a few less stops on our way. Road 60 was not very exciting and so was the first stretch of road 54, this made my aim for Snæfellsnes easier to achieve. And round lunchtime we drove gravel road 570 to Snæfellsjökull.  Close to the Glacier we made our lunch stop. After lunch we continued the road close to the glacier to the south side of the peninsula. Back on to road 54. The mountain on the picture is used in the

Day 8 of 3 week Iceland trip, fox and puffins

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 8 in Iceland: From Flókalundur to Bjarkalundur (335km). As we left in the morning there were even less cars on the road than usually. In the distance I saw an animal crossing the road, and as we moved closer (very slowly) I noticed it was an Arctic fox. We managed one picture before it went hiding again. At Látrabjarg as we parked we saw some people lying on the ground near the cliff edge. As we came close we noticed the Puffins, this was our first time ever. It was quite an experience. Carefully we installed ourselves on the

Day 7 of 3 week Iceland trip, most dangerous road on Iceland

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 7 in Iceland: From Ísafjörður to Flókalundur (216 km). In the evening my wife read to me about route 622 in our Dutch travel-guide. “The road they forgot to add the F. If you have a Jeep, 4x4 experience, time and steel nerves, It is possible to drive the track from Þingeyri via Svalgahamar, Lokinhamar and Alftamyri.” (Willem van Blijderveen) She knew immediately this was a mistake, I would want to go there. Route 622 can be found on Internet as one of the most dangerous roads in the world. Some people say it is the most terrifyi

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Day 6 of 3 week Iceland trip

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 6 in Iceland from Hvammstangi to Ísafjörður (367 km). Today we had to do some shopping again, the supermarket was well stocked. See also: Day 5 of 3 week Iceland trip In all the travel guides the West Fjords are mentioned because of beauty and tranquillity. This is absolutely true. We had one handicap, I had arranged to go diving again and I needed to keep to our travel scheme. Luckily in the beginning of July the sun, in northern Iceland, is up nearly 24/7. We made several stops on the way; we saw many seals resting close to

Day 5 of 3 week Iceland trip

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 5 in Iceland: From Siglufjörður  to Hvammstangi (277 km). See also: Day 4 of 3 week Iceland trip See also: Day 2 & 3 of 3 week Iceland trip See also: Day 1 of 3 week Iceland trip At night the sunset and sunrise, it did not get any darker at night in the north of Iceland. The landscape was impressive again. We stopped at Grafarkirkja, a nice old wooden church, the only other visitors had just left.   And we had the place for ourselves, as often the case in Iceland.  We enjoyed the birds singing in the grass and in the air, they w

Day 4 of 3 week Iceland trip

Follow my wife and me on a 3-week trip of Iceland. Day 4 in Iceland: From Hjalteyri to Siglufjörður  (59 km) The first dive was in the North in the Eyjafjord, near Hjalteyri. There you will find underwater "White Smokers". This is the only place in the world where this "White Smokers" can be seen as a sport diver as other locations in the world are situated at a depth ranging from 1000 to 8000 meters. Via the Internet I had contacted Strytandive.is. Erlendur Borgason responded to our message, and we arranged to dive, the date still several times changed by mail in connection with our trav

Day 2 & 3 of 3 week Iceland trip

Follow me and my wife on a 3 week trip of Iceland! Day 2 in Iceland From Ásbyrgi we went en route to Reykjahlið.  (159 km)  It was a very cold and wet day. At Húsavík we visited the Whale Museum. It gave a great explanation of all the different types of whales and the history of Whaling on Iceland. In 2006 Iceland resumed Commercial whaling, mainly exported to Japan. The toxin rate of whale meat is high, especially Dioxine. Historically Whaling was important for Iceland, but I am strongly against the killing of whales. Today mostly foreign visitors are Whale-meat consumers.  After visiti

Day 1 of 3 Week Road Trip in Iceland

From Seyðisfjörður to Ásbyrgi, 223 km The Ferry trip from Denmark to Iceland was comfortable, 2 relaxing days. We passed close by the Shetland Islands and made a short stop at the Faroe islands. We arrived in the morning at Seydisfjordur and were lucky to leave the boat with the first vehicles. We drove to Egilsstadir to do some shopping. And as we are used to buying water bottles in southern Europe, we did so here. As we left the shop a local man told us “buying water in Iceland is like buying sunshine in Spain” This was the last water we bought. We took road 1 Direction West, and made a

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