7 Must-Have Family Adventures in Iceland

7 Must-Have Family Adventures in Iceland

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Family adventures in Iceland

Iceland is an amazing place and one that I have written about before on my own blog. But here's the thing... it might not be the first place you think about for a family holiday - but stop right there because it might be!

The great thing about Iceland is that so many of the things to do there make for a fantastic family adventure. There's none of this "hmmmm but what will the kids want to see and do" because here's the bottom line - Iceland has so many whizz-bang incredible natural wonders to offer that it really is the perfect place for a family adventure...plus! with so many things to see and do that means you can skip the pester power to stay up with the kids all night and wait for the Northern Lights.

And if you're worried about costs - let me jump in here and say there are plenty of ways to do Iceland for less.

Cover picture: photo credit: jaisril Svínafellsjökull (in Explore 6/23/17) via photopin (license)

Wowing and whale watching

whale watching iceland

Photo credit: Alessio Maffeis Iceland via photopin (license)

Surely there could be no greater adventure that going on a family whale watching adventure? And in Iceland - if you're in season - it's the ideal place to do just that. The perfect way to channel your child's love of the ocean and ocean life,  there are lot of specialist family tours to opt for who will make whale watching an accessible and exciting experience for the whole family, complete with presentations and workshops to help the littles understand all about the enigmatic life of whales and their habitat. It's also worth paying a visit to Whales of Iceland - the largest Whale exhibition in Europe!

Watching the Geyser Strokkur go KABOOM!

The geyser Strokkur erupting

Children love anything that involves anticipation (although they might not always be good at the patience part), and there's no patience greater rewarded than that it takes to wait for the the geyser Strokkur in the Golden Circle to explode.

Thankfully they only have to wait 8 minutes for that to happen because that's how often it explodes, and children will probably love making a song and dance of the eggy smell that prevails the surrounding air thanks to the sulfur it omits. But good things really do come to those who wait....because it's a once in a lifetime sight to see a geyser explode and to be able to witness that as a child is nothing short of mind-blowing.

Find Golden Circle tours here.

Ogling the waterfalls of Gullfoss

Gullfoss waterfall in Iceland is impressive

As far as waterfalls go, Gullfoss is pretty massive. This one really is for the family adventure seekers - deserving a bit of a hike to get a better view and to get gloriously sprayed by this giant.

Although this does make for an incredible family adventure I have to say as there are no railings or really any safety precautions taken around this waterfall which is in part what makes it so breathtaking, that of course it's down to us the parents to make sure that we keep safety in our minds at all time when visiting this incredible force of nature. I would say there it's probably wise to do this as part of a guided tour

Holding on tight for husky sledding

dog sledding iceland

Photo credit: puffclinty Dog Sleds on the Move via photopin (license)

If you're looking to do something nothing short of phenomenal with the family then husky sledding has to be right up there. Imagine being whizzed through the snow pulled by hard working huskies. This is an amazing way of the whole family connecting with the majestic nature that Iceland has to offer in a totally interactive way and feeling the power of the huskies being harnessed by an experienced musher is second to none!

Setting Off on an Iceberg Safari

Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon in Iceland

So long as your children are over the age of six, then an epic iceberg safari adventure awaits you in Iceland. A  glacier lagoon tour is a magical discovery which will leave the whole family breathless as you explore Jökulsárlón lagoon which stretches back as far as you can see and many icebergs which are so incredibly close that you feel like you could reach out and touch them. Nothing short of the most amazing family adventure you could ever hope for.

Find Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon tours here.

Peeking at puffins

puffin watching iceland

Photo credit: Theo Crazzolara Puffin - Latrabjarg via photopin (license)

If birds are your family's thing, then there is a puffin cruise you take to get up close and personal with puffins as led by a local nature guide on a custom boat takes you up to Akurey Island's jagged shore with the sole purpose of seeing these incredible and mega-cute birds in their natural habitat. As well as being a fab family adventure, it's also a fantastic way to learn everything you ever wanted to know about one of the world's favourite birds and its life in the Atlantic.

Taking a dip in the Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon in Iceland is family friendly

Many people ask if you can take children to the Blue Lagoon and the answer is YES you can!

Children of two years and older are welcome at the Blue Lagoon and trust me, their minds will be blown by this otherworldly spot. Although of course do let them know in advance that it is not in fact a splash pad because their behaviour does need to be in line with the overall relaxing atmosphere of this wondrous place!  Due to the fact that the depth of the lagoon is 90-160 cm/ 2,9-5,3 ft I must stress that a parent's keen eye will be required, but thankfully, for safety reasons all children of 8 years and younger are required to wear arm floaters while in the Lagoon and they are provided free of charge.

The above is really just the cherry on the cake. There are so many family adventures to be had in Iceland with children so as you can see....it really is the most marvellous place for a family travel adventure!

Find Blue Lagoon Tours here.

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