Bridge over Hvítá

Bridge over Hvítá

Zweryfikowany mieszkaniec

Iceland is always beautiful no matter what day it is. I have so many favorite places here but there is one in particular. It has always been there but I never really notice it until one day when I was not in a hurry I decided to just stop and take a walk.
I like rivers, I like the calming sound of it and they are never the same.
This place is not far from Geysir and Gullfoss and many people just drive there and forget all the other beautiful places Iceland has to offer.

Bridge over Hvítá
I marked it with a red dot on the map. It only takes about 10 minutes to drive there from Gullfoss or Geysir.

Not many people know of this place and I like going there when I want peace and just sit at a cliff and just enjoy the view.

Bridge over Hvítá
Bridge over Hvítá


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